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Routledge Revivals

About the Series

Are there elusive titles that you need and have been trying to source for years but thought that you would never be able to find?

Well this may be the end of your quest – here is a fantastic opportunity for you to discover past brilliance and purchase previously out of print and unavailable titles by some of the world’s most eminent academic scholars.

Drawing from over 100 years of innovative, cutting-edge publishing, Routledge Revivals is an exciting programme whereby key titles from the distinguished and extensive backlist of the many acclaimed imprints associated with Routledge will be re-issued.

The programme draws upon the illustrious backlists of Kegan Paul, Trench & Trubner, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Methuen, Allen & Unwin and Routledge itself.

Routledge Revivals spans the whole of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and includes works by some of the world’s greatest thinkers including Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Simone Weil, Martin Buber, Karl Jaspers and Max Beloff.

If you are interested in Revivals in the Behavioral Sciences, please visit

6489 Series Titles

Per Page

MacDiarmid The Terrible Crystal

MacDiarmid: The Terrible Crystal

1st Edition

By Alan Bold
October 09, 2023

First published in 1983, Hugh MacDiarmid: The Terrible Crystal is a detailed introduction to the poetry of Hugh MacDiarmid. Hugh MacDiarmid’s poetry shows a persistent search for a consistent intellectual vision that reveals, in all its facets, the source of creativity recognised by the poet as ‘...

Management and Administration of Rehabilitation Programmes

Management and Administration of Rehabilitation Programmes

1st Edition

Edited By Roy I. Brown
October 09, 2023

First published in 1984, Management and Administration of Rehabilitation Programmes addresses issues in management and administration across a wide range of areas relating to the education, welfare, and quality of life of those with disabilities. The book covers a variety of topics, including ...

Means and Ends in Education

Means and Ends in Education

1st Edition

By Brenda Almond
October 09, 2023

First published in 1982, Means and Ends in Education explores the contrasts between approaches to teaching where teaching is simply a means to some other end; approaches in which the end determines the means; and approaches in which means and ends are integrated and education serves an intrinsic ...

Preface to Action

Preface to Action

1st Edition

By George E. G. Catlin
October 09, 2023

First published in 1934, Preface to Action was written to provoke thought on society and its structure and to enable readers to make a considered judgement at election, particularly those with less time to make their decision. The book discusses the conflict between wanting to make an informed ...

Prospects for Recovery in the British Economy

Prospects for Recovery in the British Economy

1st Edition

Edited By F. V. Meyer
October 09, 2023

First published in 1985, Prospects for Recovery in the British Economy examines the origins of the economic downturn of the early 1980s. The book explores the causes of the decrease in industrial production and employment during the early 1980s and considers the longer-term cyclical problems of ...

Quality of Life for Handicapped People

Quality of Life for Handicapped People

1st Edition

Edited By Roy I. Brown
October 09, 2023

First published in 1988, Quality of Life for Handicapped People examines developments and innovations in research and practice concerning the quality of life for those with disabilities. The book centres on the topic of rehabilitation education, with a particular focus on issues relating to ...

Rethinking Labour-Management Relations The Case for Arbitration

Rethinking Labour-Management Relations: The Case for Arbitration

1st Edition

By Christopher J. Bruce, Jo Carby-Hall
October 09, 2023

First published in 1991, Rethinking Labour-Management Relations explores how the contemporary system of industrial relations developed and outlines proposals for a better alternative. The book examines the positives and negatives of three systems of industrial relations: a freely operating market ...

Sensationalism and Scientific Explanation

Sensationalism and Scientific Explanation

1st Edition

By Peter Alexander
October 09, 2023

Sensationalism and Scientific Explanation is a critical examination of the view that scientific statements can be understood only in terms of basic ‘atoms’ of experience, also called ‘sensations’. Presenting different extremes of this view, the book considers whether it can provide an adequate ...

State Apparatus Structures and Language of Legitimacy

State Apparatus: Structures and Language of Legitimacy

1st Edition

By Gordon L. Clark, Michael Dear
October 09, 2023

Originally published in 1984, State Apparatus contributes to the debate on the theory of the state through posing questions regarding the state’s form, function, and apparatus. The book begins by setting out the theoretical and methodological problems and reviewing the various Conservative, ...

Systematic Politics Elementa Politica et Sociologica

Systematic Politics: Elementa Politica et Sociologica

1st Edition

By George E. Gordon Catlin
October 09, 2023

First published in 1962, Systematic Politics presents Catlin’s political theories and reviews the work of contemporaries within the field. Divided into two parts, Part One is focused on political science and explores areas such as definitions and functions, the theory of politics as hypothesis, ...

The Anglo-Saxon Tradition

The Anglo-Saxon Tradition

1st Edition

By George G. E. Catlin
October 09, 2023

First published in 1939, The Anglo-Saxon Tradition puts forward Catlin’s view on the power of the Anglo-Saxon Tradition to unite Europe. The book identifies the distinguishing features of this Tradition as respect for personality, liberty, experiment, tolerance, accommodation, democracy, ...

The Hindu Religious Tradition A Philosophical Approach

The Hindu Religious Tradition: A Philosophical Approach

1st Edition

By Pratima Bowes
October 09, 2023

Originally published in 1977, The Hindu Religious Tradition provides a detailed exploration into the different doctrines regarding the nature of Religious Reality and the many paths of search for this Reality within the Hindu religion. The book discusses these differing doctrines from the point of...

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