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Routledge-Solaris Applied Research in Business Management and Board Governance

About the Series

The Routledge-Solaris Series on Business Management and Board Governance is an impactful collection of inter-disciplinary books on business management addressing Board and C-suite topics. Combining theoretical rigor and practical utility, books in this series are authored by practitioners with research PhD or association backing, or seasoned academics aiming for inter-disciplinary impact.


Books in these series look at topics such as corporate governance, ESG, enterprise risk management, corporate strategy, organisational development, HRM and training, operations, supply chain, digital technology/transformation, marketing, communications, accounting, finance and business economics. We also welcome an interdisciplinary approach that combines business management with a related discipline such as global affairs, government/public policy, or applied law.

If you are interested in writing for this series, please get in touch with the series editor Dr Charles Chao Rong Phua at [email protected].

2 Series Titles

Per Page

Evolvability in Business Enterprise Transformation in an Age of Complexity

Evolvability in Business: Enterprise Transformation in an Age of Complexity

1st Edition


By Zhen Goh, Sunil Mundra
November 04, 2024

Through the unique combination of evolutionary biology and management theory applied to business cases, and keeping in mind that organisations are fundamentally human systems, Goh and Mundra propose organisational evolvability as a new frame to guide enterprise transformation and change. Some of ...

Professional Management Consulting A Guide for New and Emerging Consultants

Professional Management Consulting: A Guide for New and Emerging Consultants

1st Edition

By Alan J. Blackman
April 25, 2024

At a time when consulting has increasingly come under scrutiny by governments and communities, Professional Management Consulting: A Guide for New and Emerging Consultants redefines “management consulting” and reinforces what it means to be a professional. With a focus on the importance of ethical ...

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