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Routledge Studies in Business Ethics

About the Series

Business ethics is a site of contestation, both in theory and practice. For some it serves as a salve for the worst effects of capitalism, giving businesses the means self-regulate away from entrenched tendencies of malfeasance and exploitation. For others business ethics is a more personal matter, concerning the way that individuals can effectively wade through the moral quagmires that characterise so many dimensions of business life. Business ethics has also been conceived of as a fig leaf designed to allow business-as-usual to continue while covering over the less savoury practices so as to create an appearance of righteousness.

Across these and other approaches, what remains critical is to ensure that the ethics of business is the subject of incisive questioning, critical research, and diverse theoretical development. It is through such scholarly inquiry that the increasingly powerful purview of corporations and business activity can be interrogated, understood and, ultimately, reformulated. This series contributes to that goal by publishing the latest research and thinking across the broad terrain that characterised business ethics.

The series welcomes contributions in areas including: corporate social responsibility; critical approaches to business ethics; ethics and corporate governance; ethics and diversity; feminist ethics; globalization and business ethics; philosophical traditions of business ethics; postcolonialism and the ethics of business; production and supply chain ethics; resistance, political activism and ethics; sustainability, environmentalism and climate change; the ethics of corporate misconduct; the politics of business ethics; and worker’s rights.

23 Series Titles

Per Page

Morality Management and Situation Ethics Metatheory and Practice

Morality Management and Situation Ethics: Metatheory and Practice

1st Edition


By Jan Franciszek Jacko
October 21, 2024

Morality is the individual or social conventions about moral norms and rules while morality management signifies the process and functions of planning, organising, motivating, and controlling morality. This book presents the philosophical assumptions of situation ethics to show the practice of ...

Work as a Calling From Meaningful Work to Good Work

Work as a Calling: From Meaningful Work to Good Work

1st Edition

By Garrett W. Potts
January 29, 2024

Amidst the exponentially growing interest in "work as a calling," contemporary discussions have taken an individualistic turn away from the earlier prosocial character that once marked this orientation to work. Now, discussions about "work as a calling" mostly prioritize personal fulfilment via the...

Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility Knowledge, Values, and Actions

Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility: Knowledge, Values, and Actions

1st Edition

Edited By Stefan Markovic, Adam Lindgreen, Nikolina Koporcic, Milena Micevski
August 25, 2023

Following recent growth of ethical consumerism, customers and other stakeholders increasingly pressure organizations to be socially responsible and minimize their negative impact on the environment. Accordingly, a plethora of firms have integrated corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the center...

Ethical Decision-Making in Management Perspectives of the Philosopher, the Sociologist and the Manager

Ethical Decision-Making in Management: Perspectives of the Philosopher, the Sociologist and the Manager

1st Edition

By Matej Drašček, Dana Mesner Andolšek, Adriana Rejc Buhovac
April 21, 2023

Moral pragmatism has been largely ignored in Business Ethics, despite its natural attraction and the fact that it is prominent in philosophy and socio-economic theories. The main premise of the book is that the complexity of today’s business world does not permit a grand ethical theory, ...

Disturbing Business Ethics Emmanuel Levinas and the Politics of Organization

Disturbing Business Ethics: Emmanuel Levinas and the Politics of Organization

1st Edition

By Carl Rhodes
June 02, 2020

21st century Western neoliberalism has seen the transformation of self-interest from an economic imperative to a centrally constitutive part of dominant modes of subjective existence. Against this celebration of competitive individualism, Emmanuel Levinas’ philosophy stands as a haunting reminder ...

Business Ethics and Care in Organizations

Business Ethics and Care in Organizations

1st Edition

Edited By Marianna Fotaki, Gazi Islam, Anne Antoni
December 17, 2019

Care is a human ability we all need for growing and flourishing. It implies considering the needs and interests of others, and the quality of how we relate to each other is often defined by care. While the value of care in private life is widely recognized, its role in the public sphere is ...

The Rise of Business Ethics

The Rise of Business Ethics

1st Edition

By Bernard Mees
December 05, 2019

In 1973, Daniel Bell argued that corporations in post-industrial societies increasingly needed to behave in accord with widely accepted social norms, particularly in terms of ethical behavior and social responsibility. Yet widespread criticism of business behavior was not an invention of the 1960s ...

Ethics, Meaningfulness, and Mutuality

Ethics, Meaningfulness, and Mutuality

1st Edition

By Ruth Yeoman
December 02, 2019

There is an urgent need to understand how private and public organisations can play a role in promoting human values such as fairness, dignity, respect and care. Globalisation, technological advance and climate change are changing work, organisations and systems in ways which foster inequality, ...

Neoliberalism, Management and Religion Re-examining the Spirits of Capitalism

Neoliberalism, Management and Religion: Re-examining the Spirits of Capitalism

1st Edition

By Edward Wray-Bliss
February 28, 2019

The use of non-secular, religious, concepts in contemporary managerial discourse to legitimise leadership, organisation and work has been undertheorised. Concepts such as organisational soul, Spiritual Leadership, a wider deification (and demonisation) of leaders, and the mantra of individual ...

Business Ethics After the Global Financial Crisis Lessons from The Crash

Business Ethics After the Global Financial Crisis: Lessons from The Crash

1st Edition

Edited By Christopher Cowton, James Dempsey, Tom Sorell
January 28, 2019

The global financial crisis (GFC) that began in 2007 concentrated attention on the morality of banking and financial activities. Just as mainstream businesses became increasingly defined by their financial performance, banks, it seemed, got themselves – and everyone else – into trouble through an ...

Corporate Social in Emerging Economies Reality and Illusion

Corporate Social in Emerging Economies: Reality and Illusion

1st Edition

By Cosmina Lelia Voinea, Cosmin Fratostiteanu
July 04, 2018

Over the last few decades, emerging markets have increased their share in world GDP and have come to play a prominent and growing role in global business. Their period of impressive growth was triggered by major global advances such as economic liberalization and governance reforms and deregulation...

Ethics and Morality in Consumption Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Ethics and Morality in Consumption: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

1st Edition

Edited By Deirdre Shaw, Michal Carrington, Andreas Chatzidakis
June 08, 2018

Ethical consumerism is on the rise. No longer bound to the counter-cultural fringes, ethical concerns and practices are reaching into the mainstream of society and being adopted by everyday consumers – from considering carbon miles to purchasing free-range eggs to making renewable energy choices. ...

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