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Routledge Studies in Global and Transnational Politics

About the Series

The core theme of the series is the outcomes and implications of global and transnational processes on states and emerging and re-emerging social movements. This includes historical and contemporary processes underlying state development and social movements. The series aims to promote greater theoretical innovation and inter-disciplinarity in the academic study of global transformations, as well as local movements with global relevance or connections. The understanding of globalization that it employs accords centrality to forms and processes of political, social, cultural and economic connectivity (and dis-connectivity) and relations between the global and the local.

The series aims to publish high quality and original work by leading and emerging scholars critically engaging with key issues in the study of global and transnational politics, including local phenomena that feed into, and are fed by, global processes and structures. It will comprise research monographs, edited collections and advanced textbooks for scholars, researchers, policy analysts, and students.


Series Editor: Ibrahim Halawi

Founding Series Editors: Sandra Halperin & Chris Rumford

13 Series Titles

Per Page

Global Perspectives on Nationalism Political and Literary Discourses

Global Perspectives on Nationalism: Political and Literary Discourses

1st Edition


Edited By Debajyoti Biswas, Panos Eliopoulos, John C. Ryan
August 26, 2024

Global Perspectives on Nationalism takes an interdisciplinary approach informed by recent theorisations of nationalism to examine perennial questions on the topic. The idea of nationalism centres on questions of ethnicity, culture, religion, language, and access to resources. What determines ...

The Rise and Decline of Modern Democracy

The Rise and Decline of Modern Democracy

1st Edition

By Damien Kingsbury
April 07, 2023

The Rise and Decline of Modern Democracy assesses the rise of, subsequent political challenges to, and decline of, contemporary liberal democratic processes, in particular since the ‘third wave’ of democratization from the 1990s. Democracy is in global decline. Fewer countries are democratic and ...

Political Sociologies of the Cultural Encounter Essays on Borders, Cosmopolitanism, and Globalization

Political Sociologies of the Cultural Encounter: Essays on Borders, Cosmopolitanism, and Globalization

1st Edition

Edited By Barrie Axford, Alistair Brisbourne, Sandra Halperin, Claudia Lueders
May 06, 2022

This book offers transdisciplinary scholarship which challenges the agendas of and markers around traditional social scientific fields.  It builds on the belief that the study of major issues in the global cultural and political economies benefit from a perspective that rejects the limitations ...

The World-Making Power of New Media Mere Connection?

The World-Making Power of New Media: Mere Connection?

1st Edition

By Barrie Axford
December 09, 2019

In this new work, Axford seeks to contribute to the development of global theory, particularly where it engages with the contested idea of globality; a concept which musters as consciousness, condition, framework, even system. By examining emergent globalities through the lens of world-making ...

Critical Geopolitics and Regional (Re)Configurations Interregionalism and Transnationalism Between Latin America and Europe

Critical Geopolitics and Regional (Re)Configurations: Interregionalism and Transnationalism Between Latin America and Europe

1st Edition

Edited By Heriberto Cairo, Breno Bringel
June 04, 2019

This book seeks to develop our understanding of the contemporary geopolitical reconfigurations of two regions of the world system with high cultural affinity and traditional close relations: Latin America and Europe. Relations between Latin America and Europe have been interpreted generally in ...

Egyptian Diaspora Activism During the Arab Uprisings Insights from Paris and Vienna

Egyptian Diaspora Activism During the Arab Uprisings: Insights from Paris and Vienna

1st Edition

By Lea Müller-Funk
October 23, 2018

Diaspora politics is often expressed as an emancipating experience and can therefore give agency to migrants. Yet, rather than interpreting transnational political practices as globally liberal or cosmopolitan, Müller-Funk’s findings underline that diaspora politics is a highly diverse political ...

Rethinking Ideology in the Age of Global Discontent Bridging Divides

Rethinking Ideology in the Age of Global Discontent: Bridging Divides

1st Edition

Edited By Barrie Axford, Didem Buhari-Gulmez, Seckin Baris Gulmez
December 06, 2017

Over the last decade, anti-government demonstrations worldwide have brought together individuals and groups that were often assumed unlikely to unite for a common cause due to differences in ideological tendencies. They have particularly highlighted the role of youth, women, social media, and ...

Re-Living the Global City Global/Local Processes

Re-Living the Global City: Global/Local Processes

1st Edition

Edited By John Eade, Chris Rumford
November 22, 2017

Living the Global City (1996) was a landmark text in the field of Global Studies, offering an analysis of globalization and global/local processes by focussing on specific issues and themes which include community, culture, milieu, socioscapes and sociospheres, microglobalization, poverty, ...

Genocide, Geopolitics and Transnational Networks Con-textualising the destruction of the Unión Patriótica in Colombia

Genocide, Geopolitics and Transnational Networks: Con-textualising the destruction of the Unión Patriótica in Colombia

1st Edition

By Andrei Gomez-Suarez
October 26, 2017

This volume seeks to uncover and discuss the links between genocide, geopolitics and transnational networks. By studying the destruction of the Union Patrotica (UP) in Colombia - a process usually regarded as one of the extreme by-products of the Colombian armed conflict- through the lens of ...

Non-State Challenges in a Re-Ordered World The Jackals of Westphalia

Non-State Challenges in a Re-Ordered World: The Jackals of Westphalia

1st Edition

Edited By Stefano Ruzza, Anja Jakobi, Charles Geisler
October 26, 2017

There is a sprawling scholarship on violence, crime, and corrupt state rule; yet few have interpreted these challenges as transformative at the global scale and as a potential source of alternative, non-state, legitimacy. This volume challenges "Westphalian conservativism" in a provocative yet ...

Human Rights and the Reinvention of Freedom

Human Rights and the Reinvention of Freedom

1st Edition

By Nick Stevenson
October 10, 2016

This volume seeks to propose a reinvention of freedom under contemporary conditions of globalization, cross-border mobility, and neo-liberal dominance. There are currently two predominant myths circulating about freedom. The first is that in a global age growing numbers of citizens are less ...

Glocalization A Critical Introduction

Glocalization: A Critical Introduction

1st Edition

By Victor Roudometof
June 27, 2016

This book seeks to provide a critical introduction to the under-theorized concept of Glocalization. While the term has been slowly diffused into social-scientific vocabulary, to date, there is no book in circulation that specifically discusses this concept. Historically theorists have intertwined ...

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