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Routledge Studies in Health and Medical Anthropology

18 Series Titles

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Discretionary Medicine in Pakistan Poverty, Coloniality and Health

Discretionary Medicine in Pakistan: Poverty, Coloniality and Health

1st Edition


By Sanaullah Khan
November 25, 2024

This book uses the notion of ‘discretionary medicine’ to explore the landscape of contemporary healthcare in Pakistan. It considers how patients frequently experience health interventions as out of touch with the suffering of everyday life, and how healthcare provisions are viewed as intrusive, ...

Breathlessness and Biosociality An Ethnographic Perspective on Living with Lung Disease in Later Life

Breathlessness and Biosociality: An Ethnographic Perspective on Living with Lung Disease in Later Life

1st Edition


By Fredrik Nyman
October 07, 2024

This book delves into the intricate landscape of respiratory diseases among older people, shedding light on their biosocial encounters while grappling with chronic breathlessness. While respiratory ailments predominantly afflict older people, often stemming from lifestyle choices like smoking, ...

Contesting Measles and Vaccination in Pakistan Cultural Beliefs, Structured Vulnerabilities, Mistrust, and Geo-Politics

Contesting Measles and Vaccination in Pakistan: Cultural Beliefs, Structured Vulnerabilities, Mistrust, and Geo-Politics

1st Edition


By Inayat Ali
August 29, 2024

This book explores issues surrounding measles and vaccination in Pakistan. Drawing on long-term ethnographic research, it focuses on two major outbreaks in Sindh Province and on Pakistan’s vaccination campaigns. The chapters examine the responses to outbreaks and vaccination from various ...

COVID-19 Syndemics and the Global South A World Divided

COVID-19 Syndemics and the Global South: A World Divided

1st Edition


Edited By Inayat Ali, Merrill Singer, Nicola Bulled
July 31, 2024

This book focuses on syndemics in the Global South and uses COVID‑19 as a window to understand clusters of disparities and disease comorbidities. The pandemic has exposed and multiplied structural inequalities and certain subpopulations were more exposed to COVID‑19 as well as experienced greater ...

Negotiating the Pandemic Cultural, National, and Individual Constructions of COVID-19

Negotiating the Pandemic: Cultural, National, and Individual Constructions of COVID-19

1st Edition

Edited By Inayat Ali, Robbie Davis-Floyd
September 25, 2023

This book centers on negotiations around cultural, governmental, and individual constructions of COVID-19. It considers how the coronavirus pandemic has been negotiated in different cultures and countries, with the final part of the volume focusing on South Asia and Pakistan in particular. The ...

Childlessness in Bangladesh Intersectionality, Suffering and Resilience

Childlessness in Bangladesh: Intersectionality, Suffering and Resilience

1st Edition

By Papreen Nahar
May 31, 2023

This book examines the intersectionality and stratified lived experience of rural poor and urban middle-class childless women in Bangladesh. Childless women in Bangladesh, an over-populated country where fertility control is the primary focus of health policy, are all but non-existent. Papreen ...

Treating Heroin Addiction in Norway The Pharmaceutical Other

Treating Heroin Addiction in Norway: The Pharmaceutical Other

1st Edition

By Aleksandra Bartoszko
May 31, 2023

Focusing on the world of Norwegian Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST) in the aftermath of significant reforms, this book casts a critical light on the intersections between medicine and law, and the ideologies infusing the notions of "individual choice" and "patient involvement" in the field of ...

Living with Diabetes and Uncertainty in Cairo Sweetness Under Pressure

Living with Diabetes and Uncertainty in Cairo: Sweetness Under Pressure

1st Edition

By Mille Kjærgaard Thorsen
May 18, 2023

Living with Diabetes and Uncertainty in Cairo offers an ethnographic exploration of the interactions of two different understandings of type-2 diabetes: one related to the notion of ḍaghṭ, translated as “pressure” or “stress,” and another related primarily to obesity. The book is set in Egypt but ...

amaXhosa Circumcision Stories of Manhood and Mental Health

amaXhosa Circumcision: Stories of Manhood and Mental Health

1st Edition

By Lauraine M. H. Vivian
January 09, 2023

This book investigates amaXhosa circumcision and the psychological processes involved. Lauraine Vivian employs concepts such as resilience, orthodoxy, broken men, and reciprocity to examine the experiences of men who have developed mental health issues in relation to their initiation into manhood. ...

Actively Dying The Creation of Muslim Identities through End-of-Life Care in the United States

Actively Dying: The Creation of Muslim Identities through End-of-Life Care in the United States

1st Edition

By Cortney Hughes Rinker
August 01, 2022

This book explores the experiences of Muslims in the United States as they interact with the health care system during serious illness and end-of-life care. It shifts "actively dying" from a medical phrase used to describe patients who are expected to pass away soon or who exhibit signs of ...

Wandering the Wards An Ethnography of Hospital Care and its Consequences for People Living with Dementia

Wandering the Wards: An Ethnography of Hospital Care and its Consequences for People Living with Dementia

1st Edition

By Katie Featherstone, Andy Northcott
May 30, 2022

Wandering the Wards provides a detailed and unflinching ethnographic examination of life within the contemporary hospital. It reveals the institutional and ward cultures that inform the organisation and delivery of everyday care for one of the largest populations within them: people living with ...

Affective Health and Masculinities in South Africa An Ethnography of (In)vulnerability

Affective Health and Masculinities in South Africa: An Ethnography of (In)vulnerability

1st Edition

By Hans Reihling
April 20, 2020

Affective Health and Masculinities in South Africa explores how different masculinities modulate substance use, interpersonal violence, suicidality, and AIDS as well as recovery cross-culturally. With a focus on three male protagonists living in very distinct urban areas of Cape Town, this ...

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