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Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Religion

About the Series

A platform for the latest scholarly research in the sociology of religion, this series welcomes both theoretical and empirical studies that pay close attention to religion in social context. It publishes work that explores the ways in which religions adapt or react to social change and how spirituality lends meaning to people’s lives and shapes individual, collective and national identities.

15 Series Titles

Per Page

Anti-Atheist Nation Religion and Secularism in the United States

Anti-Atheist Nation: Religion and Secularism in the United States

1st Edition


By Petra Klug
August 26, 2024

Atheists are a growing but marginalized group in the American religious patchwork and they have been the target of ridicule and discrimination throughout the nation’s history. This book is the first comprehensive study of anti-atheism in the United States. It traces anti-atheism through five ...

Fraternal Relations in Monasteries The Laboratory of Love

Fraternal Relations in Monasteries: The Laboratory of Love

1st Edition

By Mikaela Sundberg
May 27, 2024

This is a book about the tensions between Christian ideals of love and the concrete realities of everyday monastic life. Based on a study of Cistercian monasteries in France, it develops a novel conceptualization of fraternal relations and addresses how monks and nuns strive to accomplish such ...

Morality, Violence, and Ritual Circumcision Writing with Blood

Morality, Violence, and Ritual Circumcision: Writing with Blood

1st Edition

By Na'ama Carlin
May 27, 2024

This book uses the Jewish ritual of circumcision to consider how violent acts are embedded within entrenched moral discourses and offers a new perspective for thinking about violence. Intervening in contemporary debates on the Jewish ritual of circumcision, it departs from both the ordinary secular...

Celibacy, Seminary Formation, and Catholic Clerical Sexual Abuse Exploring Sociological Connections and Alternative Clerical Training

Celibacy, Seminary Formation, and Catholic Clerical Sexual Abuse: Exploring Sociological Connections and Alternative Clerical Training

1st Edition

By Vivencio O. Ballano
April 30, 2024

Does the current celibate, semi-monastic, and all-male seminary formation contribute to the persistence of clerical sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church? Applying sociological theories on socialization, total institutions, and social resistance as the primary conceptual framework, and drawing ...

Beyond New Atheism and Theism A Sociology of Science, Secularism, and Religiosity

Beyond New Atheism and Theism: A Sociology of Science, Secularism, and Religiosity

1st Edition

By Sal Restivo
September 01, 2023

This book addresses the flaws and fallacies in the grounds for atheism and theism – flaws and fallacies that contaminate the arguments of non-believers and believers alike. Focusing on the highly visible debates between the New Atheists – such as Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard ...

In Defense of Married Priesthood A Sociotheological Investigation of Catholic Clerical Celibacy

In Defense of Married Priesthood: A Sociotheological Investigation of Catholic Clerical Celibacy

1st Edition

By Vivencio O. Ballano
August 30, 2023

This book offers an analysis of the sociological, historical, and cultural factors that lie behind mandatory clerical celibacy in the Roman Catholic Church and examines the negative impact of celibacy on the Catholic priesthood in our contemporary age. Drawing on sociological theory and secondary ...

Contemporary Monastic Economy A Sociological Perspective Across Continents

Contemporary Monastic Economy: A Sociological Perspective Across Continents

1st Edition

By Isabelle Jonveaux
June 02, 2023

This book examines the economy of contemporary Catholic monasticism from a sociological perspective, considering the ways in which monasteries engage with the capitalist world economy via a model which aims less at ‘performance’ per se, than at the fulfilment of human and religious values. Based on...

Polish Catholicism between Tradition and Migration Agency, Reflexivity and Transcendence

Polish Catholicism between Tradition and Migration: Agency, Reflexivity and Transcendence

1st Edition

By Wojciech Sadlon
January 09, 2023

From a critical realist perspective, this book examines the manner and the extent to which religion is shaped by modernity. With a focus on Poland, one of the most monolithic and religiously active Catholic societies in the world – but which has undergone periods of intense transformation in ...

The Transformation of Religious Orders in Central and Eastern Europe Sociological Insights

The Transformation of Religious Orders in Central and Eastern Europe: Sociological Insights

1st Edition

Edited By Stefania Palmisano, Isabelle Jonveaux, Marcin Jewdokimow
January 09, 2023

The first volume to explore various facets of contemporary change in consecrated religious life in selected Central and Eastern European countries, this book presents a series of studies of Catholic and Orthodox monasticism. With attention to changes in the economy, everyday life, organisation and ...

Religion, Spirituality and Secularity among Millennials The Generation Shaping American and Canadian Trends

Religion, Spirituality and Secularity among Millennials: The Generation Shaping American and Canadian Trends

1st Edition

By Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme
August 19, 2022

This book explores the world of religion, spirituality and secularity among the Millennial generation in the United States and Canada, with a focus on the ways Millennials are doing (non)religion differently in their social lives compared with their parents and grandparents. It considers the ...

Society and the Death of God

Society and the Death of God

1st Edition

By Sal Restivo
June 09, 2021

This book advances the "strong" programme that sociology and anthropology provide a scientific foundation for arguing that God and the gods are human creations. Contending that religion is one – but not the only – way to systematize and institutionalize the moral order of a society, the ...

Bisexuality, Religion and Spirituality Critical Perspectives

Bisexuality, Religion and Spirituality: Critical Perspectives

1st Edition

Edited By Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip, Alex Toft
February 17, 2020

This book brings together the work of an international team of experts investigating the intersection of bisexuality, religion and spirituality. Drawing from disciplines such as sociology, psychology, theology, religious studies and literary studies, it critically examines, both theoretically and ...

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