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Routledge Studies on the Political Economy of Asia

About the Series

The Routledge Series on the Political Economy of Asia welcomes proposals that take a political- economy approach to contemporary political and economic topics in the Asia-Pacific Region (defined here to include the region east of India to south of the Russian Far East), with a preference for proposals have a substantive linkage to China, Japan, and/or Korea. Topics of interest include proposals proffering new insights about the Belt and Road Initiative, the drivers of or implications of Free Trade Agreements, regionalism, bilateral political-economic relationships (e.g., United States-China, China-Japan, Japan-Korea, China-India), the political economy of national security (e.g., economic sanctions and incentives), the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI), the political, environmental, and social effects of trade and FDI, supply chain resiliency, government regulations pertaining to trade, FDI, multinational corporations (MNCs), currency policies, industrial policy in sectors like alternative energy, finance, and technology, infrastructure initiatives, and national foreign economic policies pertaining to international economic organizations, other countries, or other regions.

The series favors proposals—regardless of if single authored, co-authored, or edited—that are constructed and written in a fashion that makes them accessible to academics, businesspeople, and policymakers. With respect to edited volumes, the series welcomes volumes that cohere, are aggressively edited, and have clear cross-chapter findings. There are no restrictions as to methodological or theoretical approach, though the series encourages comparative analysis. Whatever approach is adopted must be presented in a manner accessible to the aforementioned three audiences and must supply findings that have meaningful business and policy relevance.

If you would like to submit a proposal, please contact:

Dr. Jean-Marc F. Blanchard, Executive Director

Mr. & Mrs. S.H. Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations

Email: [email protected]


2 Series Titles

Per Page

Chinese Overseas Ports in Southeast and South Asia Cutting Through the Froth

Chinese Overseas Ports in Southeast and South Asia: Cutting Through the Froth

1st Edition


Edited By Jean-Marc F. Blanchard
October 14, 2024

This book examines PRC “involved” seaports overseas, where involvement can take the form of PRC foreign direct investment (FDI), contracting, and/or terminal operations, in countries such as Cambodia, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Including country-oriented chapters the book sheds light on inter ...

Chinese Overseas Ports in Europe and the Americas Understanding Smooth and Turbulent Waters

Chinese Overseas Ports in Europe and the Americas: Understanding Smooth and Turbulent Waters

1st Edition

Edited By Jean-Marc F. Blanchard
July 21, 2023

This book analyzes the progress, gains, and effects of Chinese overseas ports through in-depth and systematic studies of numerous cases in Europe and Latin America. China’s participation in overseas ports, especially under the rubric of the Belt and Road Initiative, is a matter of great concern to...

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