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Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies

About the Series

The Contemporary European Studies book series is an internationally renowned outlet for the publication of first-rate research in European Union Studies. It aims to reflect the fast moving and multifaceted character of the European Union as a political, economic, social, cultural, security, and technological actor and to represent novel and diverse approaches to European Union Studies.

The editors invite early career and experienced academics to submit initial expressions of interest, either directly to them or via Routledge. These should include a suggested title, book abstract, table of contents, and information about the author/ contributors. If your initial expression receives support from the editors, authors will then be invited to submit a full book proposal. The series publishes research monographs and research-driven edited volumes with a strong common framework. For an overview of recently published works, please see the series titles below.

The editors will consider and provide feedback on all expressions of interest. For further information about your project at any stage, or for for further information and guidance towards submitting a frmal proposal, please contact the editors or the publisher.

The series is fully committed to the promotion of academic diversity, both in terms of authorship and of theoretical and methodological approaches and would particularly encourage scholars working on Feminist perspectives, Post-colonial and Decolonising approaches, Non-European perspectives on the EU, Critical Security Studies, Practice Theory, and Critical International Political Economy, alongside those working on EU institutions, external relations, integration theory, and EU policies to get in touch.

Series Editors

Eleanor Brooks: [email protected]

Ben Farrand: [email protected]

Helena Farrand Carrapico: [email protected]

Benjamin Martill: [email protected]

71 Series Titles

Per Page

The Empowerment of EU Agencies in EU Border Management

The Empowerment of EU Agencies in EU Border Management

1st Edition


By Yichen Zhong
October 21, 2024

This book examines the role of European Union (EU) agencies in the EU’s external border control policy, looking at how the empowerment of particular bodies has shaped the management of their external borders and influenced EU governance more broadly. Focussing on four key aspects of agency ...

How Europeans Understand Solidarity, Reciprocity and Fairness in the EU Insights from Conversations Among Citizens

How Europeans Understand Solidarity, Reciprocity and Fairness in the EU: Insights from Conversations Among Citizens

1st Edition

Edited By Björn Egner, Hubert Heinelt, Jens Steffek
June 28, 2024

This edited book sheds new light on the understanding of solidarity, reciprocity and fairness from the perspective of European Union (EU) citizens and, with this, how cohesion in the EU can be achieved. Drawing on extensive focus group research across nine countries, the book presents the results ...

The Choice for Banking Union Power, Politics and the Trap of Credible Commitments

The Choice for Banking Union: Power, Politics and the Trap of Credible Commitments

1st Edition

By Elena Ríos Camacho
January 29, 2024

This book explains why the European Union (EU) Member States – in response to the euro crisis – agreed to establish banking union, despite previous objections, and why they chose its hybrid institutional design. Analysing its establishment from 2012 to 2020, the book offers a comprehensive view of...

The Politics of Legitimation in the European Union Legitimacy Recovered?

The Politics of Legitimation in the European Union: Legitimacy Recovered?

1st Edition

Edited By Christopher Lord, Peter Bursens, Dirk De Bièvre, Jarle Trondal, Ramses A. Wessel
January 29, 2024

This book examines and investigates the legitimacy of the European Union by acknowledging the importance of variation across actors, institutions, audiences, and context. Case studies reveal how different actors have contributed to the politics of (re)legitimating the European Union in response to...

(In)visible European Government Critical Approaches to Transparency as an Ideal and a Practice

(In)visible European Government: Critical Approaches to Transparency as an Ideal and a Practice

1st Edition

Edited By Maarten Hillebrandt, Päivi Leino-Sandberg, Ida Koivisto
December 22, 2023

This book questions the theoretical premises and practical applications of transparency, showing both the promises and perils of transparency in a methodologically innovative way and in a cross-section of policy instruments. It scrutinizes transparency from three perspectives - methodologically, ...

EU and US Foreign Economic Policy Responses to China The End of Naivety

EU and US Foreign Economic Policy Responses to China: The End of Naivety

1st Edition

By Joachim Schild, Dirk Schmidt
December 19, 2023

This book examines EU and US bilateral trade and investment relations with China, their attempts to level the economic playing field and to narrow the ‘reciprocity gap’ in market openness. It explores the extent of EU and US policy change, the underlying factors accounting for this change and ...

EU Trade Agreements and European Integration Commission Autonomy or Council Control?

EU Trade Agreements and European Integration: Commission Autonomy or Council Control?

1st Edition

By Markus Gastinger
November 23, 2023

EU Trade Agreements and European Integration studies 50 bilateral trade agreements negotiated by the European Commission from 1970–2008 and how they shaped European integration. The book argues that the Commission used these trade agreements, signed primarily with countries in Asia and Latin ...

Debating Immigrants and Refugees in Central Europe Politicising and Framing Newcomers in the Media and Political Arenas

Debating Immigrants and Refugees in Central Europe: Politicising and Framing Newcomers in the Media and Political Arenas

1st Edition

By Jan Kovář
August 01, 2023

This book investigates the politicisation and framing of immigration in the media and political arena in Central Europe, examining two countries - Czechia and Slovakia - in the period surrounding the “European migrant crisis”. Following years of immigration being practically invisible as an issue ...

How European Citizens Understand the Economy Knowledge, Politicization and Anchoring in the European Public Sphere

How European Citizens Understand the Economy: Knowledge, Politicization and Anchoring in the European Public Sphere

1st Edition

By Dorian Alt
June 02, 2023

This book argues that the European public sphere functions to help citizens understand complex economic issues and discuss them meaningfully across borders. Through original research conducted on citizens’ perceptions of European economic issues, it explores a mechanism that allows people to make ...

Financial Accountability in the European Union Institutions, Policy and Practice

Financial Accountability in the European Union: Institutions, Policy and Practice

1st Edition

Edited By Paul Stephenson, María-Luisa Sánchez-Barrueco, Hartmut Aden
May 31, 2023

This book offers comprehensive coverage of various aspects of financial accountability around the EU budget – how it is spent via policies, how institutions engage in checking policy performance (what taxpayers’ money actually delivers), and therein, the issues of monitoring, controlling, auditing,...

Parliamentary Agency and Regional Integration in Europe and Beyond The Logic of Regional Parliaments

Parliamentary Agency and Regional Integration in Europe and Beyond: The Logic of Regional Parliaments

1st Edition

By Bruno Theodoro Luciano
May 31, 2023

This comparative book analyses the development of regional integration parliaments in three different continents of the world. It assesses and compares the expansion and current stage of institutional development of three regional assemblies – the European Parliament, the Pan-African Parliament ...

European Sovereignty, Legitimacy, and Power

European Sovereignty, Legitimacy, and Power

1st Edition

By Bart M.J. Szewczyk
January 09, 2023

This book shows how the EU’s dual sovereignty–legitimacy problem can be resolved through the political concept of European citizenship, which can serve both to define the scope of European sovereignty and to justify EU power beyond national democracy. It reconceptualizes the EU’s legitimacy ...

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