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Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies

About the Series

The Contemporary European Studies book series is an internationally renowned outlet for the publication of first-rate research in European Union Studies. It aims to reflect the fast moving and multifaceted character of the European Union as a political, economic, social, cultural, security, and technological actor and to represent novel and diverse approaches to European Union Studies.

The editors invite early career and experienced academics to submit initial expressions of interest, either directly to them or via Routledge. These should include a suggested title, book abstract, table of contents, and information about the author/ contributors. If your initial expression receives support from the editors, authors will then be invited to submit a full book proposal. The series publishes research monographs and research-driven edited volumes with a strong common framework. For an overview of recently published works, please see the series titles below.

The editors will consider and provide feedback on all expressions of interest. For further information about your project at any stage, or for for further information and guidance towards submitting a frmal proposal, please contact the editors or the publisher.

The series is fully committed to the promotion of academic diversity, both in terms of authorship and of theoretical and methodological approaches and would particularly encourage scholars working on Feminist perspectives, Post-colonial and Decolonising approaches, Non-European perspectives on the EU, Critical Security Studies, Practice Theory, and Critical International Political Economy, alongside those working on EU institutions, external relations, integration theory, and EU policies to get in touch.

Series Editors

Eleanor Brooks: [email protected]

Ben Farrand: [email protected]

Helena Farrand Carrapico: [email protected]

Benjamin Martill: [email protected]

71 Series Titles

Per Page

Transnational Networks and EU International Cooperation In Pursuit of Effectiveness

Transnational Networks and EU International Cooperation: In Pursuit of Effectiveness

1st Edition

By Sebastian Steingass
January 09, 2023

This book provides a timely evaluation of the EU’s ability to act internationally and coordinate policy in a time when it also seeks to meet shifting demands of international cooperation. These include global sustainable development, the challenge of multilateralism and the changing geopolitical ...

European Banking Nationalism State Power and Troubled Banks

European Banking Nationalism: State Power and Troubled Banks

1st Edition

By Shawn Donnelly, Gaia Pometto
December 30, 2022

This book compares the different expressions of, and outcomes from, banking nationalism in two European countries to draw wider conclusions about the consequences for Banking Union in Europe and to show how national governments deal (or fail to deal) with international commitments. It reveals how ...

Assessing the 2019 European Parliament Elections

Assessing the 2019 European Parliament Elections

1st Edition

Edited By Sylvia Kritzinger, Carolina Plescia, Kolja Raube, James Wilhelm, Jan Wouters
April 28, 2020

Informed by and against the backdrop of the 2019 European Parliament (EP) elections, this innovative book provides a critical assessment of where Europe stands in terms of the quest to achieve democratic legitimacy. Since the 2014 EP elections, the European Union (EU) has experienced multiple ...

Differentiated Integration and Disintegration in a Post-Brexit Era

Differentiated Integration and Disintegration in a Post-Brexit Era

1st Edition

Edited By Stefan Gänzle, Benjamin Leruth, Jarle Trondal
December 02, 2019

Assessing the consequences of Brexit on EU policies, institutions and members, this book discusses the significance of differentiation for the future of European integration. This book theoretically examines differentiated integration and disintegration, focuses on how this process affects key ...

Law and Diplomacy in the Management of EU–Asia Trade and Investment Relations

Law and Diplomacy in the Management of EU–Asia Trade and Investment Relations

1st Edition

Edited By Chien-Huei Wu, Frank Gaenssmantel
December 02, 2019

This volume fills a gap in the literature regarding questions around the interactive dynamics between law and diplomacy on international trade and investment. It brings together lawyers and political scientists from Europe and Asia in an interdisciplinary effort at tracing the respective roles of ...

The Political Economy of Adjustment Throughout and Beyond the Eurozone Crisis What Have We Learned?

The Political Economy of Adjustment Throughout and Beyond the Eurozone Crisis: What Have We Learned?

1st Edition

Edited By Michele Chang, Federico Steinberg, Francisco Torres
August 19, 2019

This volume focuses on the aftermath of the euro crisis and whether the reforms have brought about lasting changes to the economic and political structures of the crisis countries or if the changes were short-term and easily abandoned post-bailout and post-recovery. Starting with an analysis of ...

Refugees, Security and the European Union

Refugees, Security and the European Union

1st Edition

By Sarah Léonard, Christian Kaunert
July 11, 2019

This book analyses the extent and the modalities of the securitization of asylum-seekers and refugees in the EU. It argues that the development of the EU asylum policy, far from 'securitizing' asylum-seekers and refugees, has led to the strengthening and codification of several rights for ...

Changing Borders in Europe Exploring the Dynamics of Integration, Differentiation and Self-Determination in the European Union

Changing Borders in Europe: Exploring the Dynamics of Integration, Differentiation and Self-Determination in the European Union

1st Edition

Edited By Jacint Jordana, Michael Keating, Axel Marx, Jan Wouters
January 14, 2019

Changing Borders in Europe focuses on the territorial dimension of the European Union. It examines the transformation of state sovereignty within the EU, the emergence of varied self-determination claims, and the existence of a tailor-made architecture of functional borders, established by multiple...

The Informal Construction of Europe

The Informal Construction of Europe

1st Edition

Edited By Lennaert van Heumen, Mechthild Roos
January 14, 2019

Informal dimensions of European integration have received limited academic attention to date, despite their historical and contemporary importance. Particularly studies in European integration history, while frequently mentioning informal processes, have as yet rarely conceptualised the study of ...

Citizenship, Nation-building and Identity in the EU The Contribution of Erasmus Student Mobility

Citizenship, Nation-building and Identity in the EU: The Contribution of Erasmus Student Mobility

1st Edition

By Cherry James
January 02, 2019

With Brexit looming, a major issue facing UK Higher Education is whether the UK will be able to stay in the Erasmus Programme. This book sits at the intersection of three main interrelated themes - EU citizenship, the current state of the university in Europe, and student mobility - as they play ...

Parties, Power and Policy-making From Higher Education to Multinationals in Post-Communist Societies

Parties, Power and Policy-making: From Higher Education to Multinationals in Post-Communist Societies

1st Edition

By Silvana Tarlea
December 19, 2018

This book explains the conditions under which political parties in government were able to influence economic growth in post-communist European countries. It highlights higher education and international investment as the two essentially related areas that have been steered by governments. The ...

Competitiveness and Solidarity in the European Union Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Competitiveness and Solidarity in the European Union: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

1st Edition

Edited By Paolo Chiocchetti, Frédéric Allemand
November 22, 2018

Starting in the 1980s, competitive pressures and the ideology of competitiveness have shaken and transformed traditional models of development, public policy, and governance in Europe. This edited book carries out a comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and innovative analysis of the relationship ...

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