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Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies

About the Series

The Contemporary European Studies book series is an internationally renowned outlet for the publication of first-rate research in European Union Studies. It aims to reflect the fast moving and multifaceted character of the European Union as a political, economic, social, cultural, security, and technological actor and to represent novel and diverse approaches to European Union Studies.

The editors invite early career and experienced academics to submit initial expressions of interest, either directly to them or via Routledge. These should include a suggested title, book abstract, table of contents, and information about the author/ contributors. If your initial expression receives support from the editors, authors will then be invited to submit a full book proposal. The series publishes research monographs and research-driven edited volumes with a strong common framework. For an overview of recently published works, please see the series titles below.

The editors will consider and provide feedback on all expressions of interest. For further information about your project at any stage, or for for further information and guidance towards submitting a frmal proposal, please contact the editors or the publisher.

The series is fully committed to the promotion of academic diversity, both in terms of authorship and of theoretical and methodological approaches and would particularly encourage scholars working on Feminist perspectives, Post-colonial and Decolonising approaches, Non-European perspectives on the EU, Critical Security Studies, Practice Theory, and Critical International Political Economy, alongside those working on EU institutions, external relations, integration theory, and EU policies to get in touch.

Series Editors

Eleanor Brooks: [email protected]

Ben Farrand: [email protected]

Helena Farrand Carrapico: [email protected]

Benjamin Martill: [email protected]

71 Series Titles

Per Page

Russia’s Impact on EU Policy Transfer to the Post-Soviet Space The Contested Neighborhood

Russia’s Impact on EU Policy Transfer to the Post-Soviet Space: The Contested Neighborhood

1st Edition

By Esther Ademmer
August 14, 2018

Russia's impact on EU policy transfer to the post-Soviet space has not been as negative as often perceived. EU policies have traveled to countries and issue areas, in which the dependence on Russia is high and Russian foreign policy is increasingly assertive. This book explores Russia's impact on ...

The Democratisation of EU International Relations Through EU Law

The Democratisation of EU International Relations Through EU Law

1st Edition

Edited By Juan Santos Vara, Soledad Rodríguez Sánchez-Tabernero
August 10, 2018

Since the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, key improvements have occurred in the democratisation of EU international relations through the increased powers of the European Parliament. Nevertheless, a comprehensive legal analysis of the new developments in democratic control of EU external ...

Commercial Realism and EU Trade Policy Competing for Economic Power in Asia and the Americas

Commercial Realism and EU Trade Policy: Competing for Economic Power in Asia and the Americas

1st Edition

By Katharina L. Meissner
June 05, 2018

The European Union (EU) is at the forefront of engaging in external trade relations outside of the World Trade Organization (WTO) with entire regions and economic powerhouses. Understanding why and how the EU engages in one of the most active fields of external relations is crucial. This book fills...

EU Human Rights and Democratization Policies Achievements and Challenges

EU Human Rights and Democratization Policies: Achievements and Challenges

1st Edition

Edited By Felipe Gómez Isa, Cristina Churruca Muguruza, Jan Wouters
May 10, 2018

Though the EU has tried to place human rights and democracy at the heart of its external action, there are serious concerns about its capacity to have a significant impact on the situation of human rights and human rights defenders as well as on the democratization processes taking place in ...

Euroscepticism as a Transnational and Pan-European Phenomenon The Emergence of a New Sphere of Opposition

Euroscepticism as a Transnational and Pan-European Phenomenon: The Emergence of a New Sphere of Opposition

1st Edition

Edited By John FitzGibbon, Benjamin Leruth, Nicholas Startin
April 25, 2018

As the EU enters an increasingly uncertain phase after the 2016 Brexit referendum, Euroscepticism continues to become an increasingly embedded phenomenon within party systems, non-party groups and within the media. Yet, academic literature has paid little attention to the emergence of, and ...

Power Politics, Banking Union and EMU Adjusting Europe to Germany

Power Politics, Banking Union and EMU: Adjusting Europe to Germany

1st Edition

By Shawn Donnelly
April 06, 2018

This book examines the politics of Banking Union and EMU reform in the EU, and draws lessons for what it means for international politics, both in Europe, and for international relations more broadly. It demonstrates that most of the reforms in Europe to break free of the Eurozone and banking ...

The Contested Diplomacy of the European External Action Service Inception, Establishment and Consolidation

The Contested Diplomacy of the European External Action Service: Inception, Establishment and Consolidation

1st Edition

By Jost-Henrik Morgenstern-Pomorski
March 19, 2018

The creation of the European External Action Service (EEAS), the EU’s new diplomatic body, was accompanied by high expectations for improving the way Europe would deal with foreign policy. However, observers of its first years of operation have come to the opposite conclusion. This book explains ...

Core-periphery Relations in the European Union Power and Conflict in a Dualist Political Economy

Core-periphery Relations in the European Union: Power and Conflict in a Dualist Political Economy

1st Edition

Edited By José Magone, Brigid Laffan, Christian Schweiger
February 05, 2018

Successive Enlargements to the European Union membership have transformed it into an economically, politically and culturally heterogeneous body with distinct vulnerabilities in its multi-level governance. This book analyses core-periphery relations to highlight the growing cleavage, and potential...

Domestic Politics and Norm Diffusion in International Relations Ideas do not float freely

Domestic Politics and Norm Diffusion in International Relations: Ideas do not float freely

1st Edition

By Thomas Risse
January 03, 2018

This book collects Thomas Risse's most important articles together in a single volume. Covering a wide range of issues – the end of the Cold War, transatlantic relations, the "democratic peace," human rights, governance in areas of limited statehood, Europeanization, European identity and public ...

The Dynamics of EU External Energy Relations Fighting for Energy

The Dynamics of EU External Energy Relations: Fighting for Energy

1st Edition

By Francesca Batzella
December 15, 2017

The Dynamics of EU External Energy Relations examines the behaviour of the European Commission in EU external energy relations paying particular attention to the dynamics existing between the Commission and the member states. It examines the Commission as a constrained policy-entrepreneur trying to...

Claiming Citizenship Rights in Europe Emerging Challenges and Political Agents

Claiming Citizenship Rights in Europe: Emerging Challenges and Political Agents

1st Edition

Edited By Daniele Archibugi, Ali Emre Benli
December 13, 2017

While the European integration project is facing new challenges, abandonments and criticism, it is often forgotten that there are powerful legal instruments that allow citizens to protect and extend their rights. These instruments and the actions taken to activate them are often overlooked and ...

The EU in the Global Investment Regime Commission Entrepreneurship, Incremental Institutional Change and Business Lethargy

The EU in the Global Investment Regime: Commission Entrepreneurship, Incremental Institutional Change and Business Lethargy

1st Edition

By Johann Robert Basedow
November 10, 2017

The European Union (EU) has emerged as a key actor in the global investment regime since the 1980s. At the same time, international investment policy and agreements, which govern international investment liberalisation, treatment and protection through investor-to-state dispute settlement, have ...

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