1st Edition

SENCO Leadership Implementing Whole-School Practice

Edited By Gill Richards, Jane Starbuck Copyright 2025
    130 Pages 2 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    130 Pages 2 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Written by SENCOs for SENCOs and other school leaders, this book shares innovative, strategic and practical whole-school developments that have been trialed and reviewed through research with colleagues, students and families. 

    Each chapter is written by an experienced SENCO school leader. Their accounts of the developments they carried out and the research evidence they collected to measure impact are presented accessibly and succinctly. These developments include: 

    •           Preparing for Ofsted Inspection

    •           SEN policy and whole-school practice: what are staff doing and what do they know?

    •           Whole-school referral for SEND Support

    •           Capturing voices. Increasing all students’ experience of belonging in school

    •           Exclusion: The impact of limited wider-life experiences 

    SENCO Leadership: Implementing Whole-School Practice is an indispensable resource for all SENCOs and other school leaders wanting to provide the best learning environment for their whole school community.


    Author biographies


    Jane Starbuck, Sue Winton and Gill Richards

    1.     SENCOs first 100 days. From feeling lost and exhausted, to growing in confidence and thriving

    Tom Voice

    2.     Preparing for Ofsted Inspection

    Jane Starbuck

    3.     Capturing voices. Increasing all students’ experience of belonging in school

    Emma Butler

    4.     The magic of Makaton interaction throughout the school 

    Emma Haywood

    5.     Developing classroom practice through evidence-based leadership to increase the achievement of pupils with SEND

    Eleanor Dorrington

    6.     Making a difference with successful pre-teaching

    Lauren Farrar

    7.     Exclusion: The impact of limited wider-life experiences

    Jemma Cotton

    8.     STRIDE: A step in the right direction for inclusion

    Vanessa Mehta

    9.     Whole-school referral for SEND Support

    Katie Hawksley

    10.  SEN policy and whole-school practice: what are staff doing and what do they know?

    Michaela Brown



    Gill Richards is Emeritus Professor of Special Education, Equity and Inclusion at Nottingham Trent University, UK.

    Jane Starbuck is the Strategic Lead for School Support and Growth for The Community Inclusive Trust (CIT).