1st Edition

Sacred and Secular Studies on Augustine and Latin Christianity

By Robert A. Markus Copyright 1994
    336 Pages
    by Routledge

    This collection brings together a set of studies on the notions of the sacred and the secular held by early Christian writers, especially Augustine and Gregory the Great, and on their relationships in actual practice in Late Antiquity. Problems of heresy and orthodoxy in Latin Christianity, especially in the context of the Pelagian controversy, are discussed in this intellectual context and impact of his thought are also included.

    Contents: The Latin Fathers; The sacred and the secular: from Augustine to Gregory the Great; De ciuitate dei: pride and the common good; Refusing to bless the state: prophetic Church and secular state; Saint Augustine’s views on the ’just war’; The end of the Roman empire: a note on Eugippius; Justinian’s ecclesiastical politics and the Western Church; Gregory the Great on Kings: rulers and preachers in the Commentary on I Kings; Pelagianism: Britain and the continent; Chronicle and theology: Prosper of Aquitaine; The legacy of Pelagius: orthodoxy, heresy and conciliation; From Caesarius to Boniface: Christianity and paganism in Gaul; The problem of ’Donatism’ in the 6th century; Saint Augustine on signs; Alienatio: philosophy and eschatology in the development of an Augustine idea; Imago and similitudo in Augustine; The eclipse of a neo-platonic theme: Augustine and Gregory the Great on visions and prophecies; Conversion and disenchantment in Augustine’s spiritual career; Augustine’s Confessions and the controversy with Julian of Eclanum: Manicheism revisited; Index.


    Robert A. Markus

    'This splendid collection brings together papers on society, history, politics, and theology in late antiquity which all betray Professor Markus’ rare gift for integrating these disciplines in a manner which allows his subject to be seen from an original and illuminating perspective.' Journal of Theological Studies