1st Edition

Science Policy in the Soviet Union

By Stephen Fortescue Copyright 1990
    244 Pages
    by Routledge

    Science Policy in the Soviet Union (1990) examines the major institutional and behavioural aspects influencing scientific research in the USSR. The book adopts the widespread view that Soviet science performs well below capacity and then looks at the institutions and management in the light of this assumption. Low morale and a lack of moral responsibility within the scientific community are highlighted as factors in the poor performance of Soviet science, these being compounded by the problems of centralization and the lack of responsiveness to new demands, technologies and ideas. The author sees de-centralisation as a potential solution, concluding with a commentary on Gorbachev, the obstacles he faced and his awareness of the need for change in the scientific sphere.

    1. Investment and Return  2. Central Party and Governmental Agencies  3. The Academy of Sciences  4. The Branch Research and Development Network  5. Defence, Vuz, and Factory Research and Development  6. The Research Institute  7. The Planning of Soviet Science  8. Research Managers  9. The Staff  10. Main Themes and Current Developments


    Stephen Fortescue is the Deputy President of the UNSW Sydney’s Academic Board and Director of Postgraduate Research for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. He is a political scientist in the School of Social Sciences and International Studies, whose research is focused on the contemporary Russian policy-making process and the Russian mining and metals industry.