1st Edition

Science and Human Progress

By Michael Denning Copyright 1927
    192 Pages
    by Routledge

    188 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally delivered as a series of lectures for the Halley Stewart trust in 1926, Lodge’s work was collected and first published in 1927. Lodge uses his scientific training to inquire into such general issues as religion, human progress, and societal advances with an aim to better understand the physical order of the universe. This title will be of interest to students of philosophy, particularly those interested in the development of early twentieth century thought.

    Lecture I: Knowledge and Progress: A General Survey of Man’s Position and of His Advances in the Nineteenth Century;  Lecture II: Design and Purpose: Aiming at the Development of Man;  Lecture III: Help and Guidance: The Indication of Our Senses and the Reality of the Unsensed;  Lecture IV: Faith and the Quest for Truth: Relationship Between Theology and Science;  Lecture V: Life and its Mysteries: Some Insoluble Problems of Existence;  Lecture VI: Death and Hereafter: The Problem of Survival;  Index


    Oliver LodgeSir