1st Edition

Seamus Heaney’s American Odyssey

By Edward J. O’Shea Copyright 2023
    226 Pages 9 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    226 Pages 9 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Seamus Heaney’s American Odyssey describes, with a new archive of correspondence, interviews, and working drafts, the some 40 years that Seamus Heaney spent in the United States as a teacher, lecturer, friend, and colleague, and as an active poet on the reading circuit. It is anchored by Heaney’s appointments at Berkeley and Harvard, but it also follows Heaney’s readings “on the road” at three important points in his career. It argues that Heaney was initially receptive to American poetry and culture while his career was still plastic, but as he developed more assurance and fame, he became much more critical of America as a superpower, especially in the military reaction to 9/11. This study emphasizes “the heard Heaney” as much as the “writerly Heaney” by listening in on key poetry readings at different times and to recorded but unpublished lectures on American and British poets at Harvard. It includes accounts by his creative writing students, aspiring poets, who testify to his mentoring as well as modeling for them how one can be “a poet in the world” as he was most strikingly.


    1. American Pastoral, 1970-1

    2. On the Road, 1971

    3. American Burlesque, 1976

    4. Heaney at Harvard, 1979

    5. On the Road Again, 1979-81

    6. Following Heaney, 1983-5

    7. The Burden of Fame, 1985-95

    8. Hope and History, 1995-2000

    9. Grendel Goes to Harvard, 1999-2000

    10. An American Tragedy, 2001


    • Appendix 1: Lecture Tour, 1981 (corrected) arranged by Selma Warner

    • Appendix 2: Seamus Heaney’s Scheduled Readings 2001-2014


    Edward O’Shea received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University in Modern British literature and twentieth-century Irish poetry and fiction. He is an Emeritus Professor of English at the State University of New York, Oswego. O’Shea directed five NEH seminars on the poetry of W.B. Yeats in Ireland. He has held a Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship in Kolkata, India. Subsequently, he was awarded a Fulbright at Trinity College, Dublin. There, he lectured on Seamus Heaney at the Heaney exhibition, “Listen Now Again,” at Trinity College, Queen’s College, Belfast, and NUI Galway. He has published extensively on the work of W.B. Yeats and most recently on Seamus Heaney’s first appointment at Berkeley in 1970-71 in Southern California Quarterly.