1st Edition

Security Manager's Guide to Disasters Managing Through Emergencies, Violence, and Other Workplace Threats

By Anthony Manley Copyright 2009
    408 Pages
    by CRC Press

    408 Pages
    by CRC Press

    Terrorist or criminal attack, fire emergency, civil or geographic disruption, or major electrical failure—recent years have witnessed an increase in the number of natural disasters and man-made events that have threatened the livelihoods of businesses and organizations worldwide. Security Manager’s Guide to Disasters: Managing Through Emergencies, Violence, and Other Workplace Threats examines the most significant emergencies that may confront the security manager and provides comprehensive guidance on how to prepare for a potential crisis, what to do in the event of one, and how to mitigate the effects.

    Explores the Range of Disasters That Can Jeopardize Any Organization

    The author discusses all types of disasters, covering a range of major occurrences that could threaten or harm any business or institutional entity. These include terrorism, industrial espionage and sabotage, workplace violence, strikes, natural disasters, fires, medical emergencies—the topics run the gamut of events that security directors, loss prevention professionals, and risk managers may confront in the course of their duties.

    Guidance Spans from Before an Event Occurs to Its Aftermath

    The book provides strategies for preventing or reducing the severity of an incident and initiating immediate and professional responses to reduce the loss of life, injuries, property damage, and liability. It also provides instruction on adequate interaction and cooperation with public safety agencies, local government, and other public and private utility services. By focusing on response, recovery, and restoration, this essential reference lays out a system for placing the business or institution back into operation as soon as possible.


    Loss Prevention

    The Objective for Security and Safety

    Disaster Defined

    Loss Prevention: Safety and Security Defined

    The Role of the Loss-Prevention Manager

    The Necessary Attributes of a Loss-Prevention Manager

    The Emergency Procedure Plan

    Emergency Planning

    The Emergency Response Team

    Protective and Emergency Equipment

    In Summary


    Specific Threats and Emergencies

    Threat Assessment

    Critical Business Threats That Cause Emergency Situations


    Terrorism Defined

    Public Awareness

    Combating Terrorism


    Types of Terrorist Incidents

    Targets of the Terrorist

    Weapons of Mass Destruction of the First Class

    Threat of an ABC Attack

    Atomic (Nuclear and Radiological) Attack

    Biological Attack

    Chemical Attack

    Weapons of Mass Destruction of the Second Class

    Bombs, Bomb Types, and Their Effectiveness

    Public Awareness


    Bombs and Bomb Threats

    The Warning

    Building Explosion

    Threat Analysis

    Suspicious Packages and Mailings


    Claimed Responsibility for the Detonation of the Device

    Other Serious Emergencies That Can Become a Disaster


    Industrial Espionage

    Computer Theft and Sabotage

    Emergence of Cyber Terrorism

    Cyber Criminal and Terrorist Activity

    The Protection of Proprietary Information

    IT Security

    Intellectual Property – Intrusion and Safety Precautions: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright, and Trade Secrets

    Protection from Loss

    The Four Deadly Security Sins


    Natural, Accidental, and Intentional Occurrences

    Man-Made Disasters and Catastrophes

    Haphazard and Unplanned Disasters

    Natural and Common Environmental Occurrences


    Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruption



    Excessive Rain, Snow, and Blizzards

    Coastal Flooding

    Global Warming

    Accidental, Intentional, or Unintentional Acts


    Fire: Natural, Accidental, and Arson

    Gas Leaks

    Chemical Spills

    Human Events

    Public Events

    Accidental Occurrences and Medical Emergencies

    Infectious and Health Hazards

    Bloodborne Pathogens

    Hazards in the Workplace

    Hazardous Materials

    Chemical and Toxic Spills


    Fire Science and Fire Classification

    Fire Science and Classification Defined

    Fire Emergency

    The Effect of Fire upon People

    The Fire Command Station

    Fire Extinguishers and Hardware

    Fire Strategy and Training

    Fire Safety Procedures and Guidelines

    The Fire Safety Director

    Assignment and Responsibilities of Safety Personnel


    The Disaster Management Process


    Business Disruption

    Command Structure

    Operational Objectives

    Disaster Preparedness Considerations

    Pre-Incident Planning and Assignment of Responsibility

    Disaster Management of the Incident

    Identification and Evaluation

    Outline for Risk Determination and Evaluation

    Training Assessment

    Drills and Inspections

    Response and Control of the Incident

    The Response Process

    The Stabilization Process

    Considerations and Post Planning

    Recovery and Restoration of Services

    The ANSIR Program

    National Security Threat List

    Larceny and Liability Concerns during Emergencies

    The Media: Cautions and Controls


    Terrorism and Violence

    Control and Prevention

    Violence in the Workplace

    Workplace Violence Defined

    OSHA Categories of Violence

    Workplace Violence: A Perspective

    Specific Acts of Violence

    Effect of Violence on the Workplace

    Causes of Violence

    Characteristics of Persons Who Commit Acts of Violence in the Workplace

    Abnormal Behavior

    Evaluating the Threat

    Increasing the Level of Safety in the Workplace

    Legal Pitfalls and Responsibilities

    Policies and Procedures

    The Documentation of Poor Performance or Abnormal Behavior

    The Responsibility of the Loss-Prevention Department

    Investigation, Evaluation, and Documentation

    Records and Reports



    Picket Actions: Lawful and Unlawful

    Accepted Business Practices

    Civil Disturbances

    Building Security and Access Control

    Prevention Strategies


    Familiarization with Criminal and Civil Litigation



    The Application of Criminal or Civil Law

    Criminal Law

    Criminal Liability

    Liability of Corporations

    Civil Law

    The Question of Foreseeability

    Civil Liability

    Basis for the Lawsuit

    Liability Contemplated

    Criminal and Civil Liability and its Effect on Loss-Prevention Personnel

    Premises Liability

    The Question of Security Negligence

    The Invitee

    The Licensee

    The Trespasser

    Vicarious Liability


    Defense by a Company in a Lawsuit

    Product Liability

    Product Liability Defined

    Contractual Liability

    Contract Law

    The Criminal and Civil Litigation Process



    Privacy Rights and Civil Rights Violations

    Violation of Civil Rights

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The "Color of State Law"

    Sexual Harassment

    The Americans with Disability Act (ADA)

    The Invasion of Privacy and Defamation

    The Right to Privacy

    Covert Surveillance

    Wiretaps and Telephone Recordings

    Defamation: Libel and Slander

    Lawful Search of the Person

    Employee Searches

    Incident Investigation

    Control of the Scene

    Accident Investigation and Insurance Fraud

    Appendix A

    Emergency Procedures – Summarized

    Basics of Disaster Management

    Civil Disorder Procedures

    Workplace Violence – Mediation and Conflict Resolution

    Evaluation of Bomb Threat Credibility

    Bomb Threat Procedures and Search Techniques

    The Fire Safety Plan – Summarized

    Atomic, Biological, and Chemical Weapons Defined

    Environmental Effects Considered

    Appendix B

    Training in Security and Safety

    The Safety Committee

    The Bloodborne Pathogen Act, Hazard Communication Act, and Hepatitis Clarified





    Homeland Security

    The Homeland Security Advisory System

    Web Sites




    Anthony D. Manley retired from the Nassau County Police Department after twenty-six years as a patrol officer, plainclothes officer, detective investigator, and supervisor.

    During the last twelve years of police service, Mr. Manley served as a New York State certified police instructor at the police academy, specializing in areas such as management, supervision, and operational standards. Concurrently, during that period, he was assigned to the Departmental Inspection Unit; a specialized squad of administrative officers that conducted detailed examination and analysis, along with internal management and operational audits of all commands within the department, reporting directly to the Commissioner of Police.

    Since leaving the department, he has several years’ experience as a security consultant, including eleven years in contractual and proprietary management and administrative positions in the private retail sector.

    Moreover, during the period 1992 to 2005, Mr. Manley was a certified New York State Security Guard Instructor, curriculum developer and senior instructor for a large private school specializing in security officer training, disaster management, loss prevention, supervisory and management development and assorted professional and management training programs and seminars.

    Mr. Manley has earned an Associate Degree (AAS) in Criminal Justice, a Baccalaureate Degree (BA) in Criminal Justice Management, and a Master of Public Administration degree (MPA). Among his affiliation with various active and retired police associations, he also is a Past President of the Retired Police Association of the State of New York, Inc.

    "… covers a great breadth of subject matter ... . Starting with a topic familiar to many readers-loss prevention-he moves on to address planning, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, threats to IT, natural disasters, fires, workplace violence, and the law. … The visual presentation is professional, with quality materials, such as explanatory tables and illustrations. Almost 100 pages of the book are dedicated to the four appendices containing examples of policies and procedures, training topics, homeland security considerations, and a listing of Web sites. Also included are endnotes, a glossary, bibliography, and index. … The book provides a broad overview that could be useful to entry-level professionals … ."
    —Paul D. Barnard, CPR CISM, Security Manager, U.S. Department of Defense, in Security Management, August 2010

    "… the author clearly has a meticulous eye for detail … the arrangement of his material is extremely logical. This is especially true of the series of appendices, which give step-by-step advice on subjects as diverse as systems for searching buildings for bombs and dealing with violence in the workplace."
    —Jacky Steemson, in RoSPA Occupational Safety & Health Journal, August 2010

    "…provides strategies for preventing or reducing the severity of an incident and initiating immediate and professional responses to reduce the loss of life, injuries, property damage, and liability. It also provides instruction on adequate interaction and cooperation with public safety agencies, local government, and other public and private utility services. The author lays out a system for placing the business or institution back into operation as soon as possible."
    ASIS Dynamics, March / April 2010