2590 Pages
    by Routledge

    The novels in this collection present a vivid picture of late-Regency society clinging to modes of behaviour which soon became obsolete and mark an important point of transition to Victorian cultural values.

    Volume 1: Thomas Henry Lister, Granby: A Novel (1826); Volume 2: Letitia Landon, Romance and Reality (1831); Volume 3: Edward Bulwer Lytton, Godolphin. A Novel (1833); Volume 4: Marguerite, Countess of Blessington, The Victims of Society (1837); Volume 5: Rosina Bulwer Lytton, Cheveley; or, The Man of Honour (1839); Volume 6: Catherine Gore, Cecil: or, The Adventures of a Coxcomb (1841)


    General Editor: Harriet Devine Jump; Consulting Editor: Gary Kelly; Volume 1 edited by Clare Bainbridge; Volume 2 edited by Cynthia Lawford; Volume 3 edited by Harriet Devine Jump; Volume 4 edited by Ann R. HAwkins and Jeraldine R. Kraver; Volume 5 edited by Marie Mulvey-Roberts; Volume 6 edited by Andrea Hibbard and Edward Copeland.