1st Edition

Soviet Russia Fights Neurosis

By Frankwood E. Williams Copyright 1934
    274 Pages
    by Routledge

    Soviet Russia Fights Neurosis (1934) examines the states of mental well-being in the Soviet Union at the start of the 1930s. The author, a physician, visited Soviet Russia and saw the difference in the philosophy of life between the Communist State and the democracies of the West and took this as the starting point for his studies into Soviet psychiatry and the mental states of its citizens.

    1. Those Crazy Russians  2. Russia: A Nation of Adolescents  3. The Significance of Dictatorship: Russia and Italy  4. Out from Confusion  5. Confusion Less Confounded: A Rabbi Takes up the Challenge of a Psychiatrist Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron  6. Hate: Confusion More Confounded  7. Youth and the Present-Day World  8. Can Russia Change Human Nature?  9. Education: Can Russia Teach Us?  10. What Adolescents Cannot Understand About Us  11. The Child’s Need for Security  12. Feet of Clay  13. On the Recognition of Russia  14. A Cat May Look at a King  15. Prospects: Russian and American Youth


    Frankwood E. Williams