1st Edition

Sports Medicine for Coaches and Athletes Soccer

    132 Pages
    by Routledge

    115 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book is a practical guide and concise sports medicine reference, written exclusively for the sport of soccer. Based on Adil Shamoo's notes from years of coaching, teaching, and lecturing on the subject, this succinct handbook approaches soccer from a unique scientific perspective. The experiences of Dr. Shamoo and coauthors William Baugher, a sports medicine orthopedist, and Robert Germeroth, a physical therapist, combine to make the latest sports medicine research relevant and accessible to those who participate in the sport. Coaches, referees, players, parents, and athletic trainers from grade school through college will find the authors' knowledgeable discussion of soccer injuries to be an invaluable resource for prevention and treatment. Sports retailers, pediatricians and professionals in the field of sports medicine will also appreciate the book's comprehensive coverage of the physical, mental, and nutritional aspects of playing the game of soccer, the world's most popular sport.

    1. Criteria for Optimal Performance  2. Types of Training for Soccer  3. Preparations for the Soccer Season  4. Management of Soccer Injuries  5. Water and Electrolytes Balance for Soccer Players  6. Adaptation to Endurance Training  7. Nutritional Requirement for Soccer Players  8. Drugs and Hormones in Sport  9. Gender Differences and Skill Development


    Adil E. Shamoo, PhD, a biophysicist, is professor and formaer chair of the Department of Biological Chemistry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore

    William H. Baugher, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon with a specialty in Sports Medicine and is currently part of a large sports medicine practicing group in Baltimore, Maryland

    Robert M. Germeroth, PT, MBA, a phsical therapist, has been director of the sports medicine and rehabilitation program at Children's Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, since 1983

    "This is an area of the soccer market which has been needed for some time. A resource for soccer-related injuries and their treatment and prevention.... This book is both comprehensive enough, yet down to earth"

    John L. Ellinger, U.S. Soccer National Staff Coach