1st Edition

Sports and the Law Major Legal Cases

By Charles E. Quirk Copyright 1996

    First Published in 1999. This is a collection of essays looking at the continuing growth and significance of Sports Law. Among the tokens of the flourishing of sports law during the past two decades are the publication of specialized treatises, articles on facets of sports law in traditional law reviews, appearance of legal journals or reviews devoted solely to sports law, and courses on the subject in law schools. Sports and the Law: Major Legal Cases should attract the interest of a variety of audiences. Authorities in the field of sports law will want to examine how their colleagues as well as non- specialists treat specific cases and broader issues. Also, lawyers who lack familiarity with sports law may desire an introductory exposure to the rapidly expanding field. Each essay ends with a selected bibliography.

    Sports Law: Liability and Legislation, Tortious Impact, In Jeopardy: Football Helmet Manufacturers and Wearers, Negligence and Liability: A Coach's Nightmare, The Coach's Legal Duty to Properly Instruct and to Warn Athletes of the Inherent Dangers in Sport, Injustice Uncovered? Worker's Compensation and the Professional Athlete Fans, Strike Out with Foul Ball Litigation, The Application of the Attractive Nuisance Doctrine to Sport, Not the Same Game, Sports versus the Sabbath: Professional Baseball and Blue Laws, Amateurs, Professionals, and Eligibility for Americans in the Olympics, Fading in the Stretch: Live Horse Racing in the 1990s , II. S ports Law: The Regulation of Organized Sports, The NCAA and the Courts: College Football on Television, Books and Bulldogs: Athletes and Academic Standards Abuses, Switzer, a Sooner Scofflaw ? The Win at Any Price Syndrome: Steroids in Athletics, To Play or Not to Play: Substance Abuse Policies Two All-Pros Collide with the Football Commissioner, Kuhn Victorious over Owner Finley, George Steinbrenner's Bronx Zoo, In the Groove? The Legal War over Golf Clubs, Baseball's Big Inning: The Sacrifice of the 1919 Black Sox, Beating the Spread: College Basketball Point Shaving, Jack Molinas: A Basketball Player with Great but Unclean Hands, Fast Balls and Fast Bucks Don't Mix, A Gridiron Hero Self-Destructs, Charlie the Hustler and the Hall of Saints, Fantasy Sports and the Law/ Part Contents/


    Charles E. Quirk (Author)