1st Edition

Stalin and German Communism A Study in the Origins of the State Party

Edited By Ruth Fischer Copyright 1982
    726 Pages
    by Routledge

    728 Pages
    by Routledge

    Through her long involvement in the German Communist party, Ruth Fischer amassed valuable material on its changing fortunes, the transformation of the Bolshevik party into a totalitarian dictatorship, and the degeneration of the Comintern. Drawing on this material and on her own vivid recollections, Fischer reconstructs the history of the German Communist party from 1918 to 1929. First published in 1948, this fundamental work opened up the study of the inner organizational life of a major revolutionary movement. In his introduction to the Social Science Classics edition, John Leggett reviews and summarizes the social, political, and economic issues and events that precipitated the revolution and those factors that contributed to its failure.

    1: The Origins of German Communism; 1: Resistance to the First World War; 2: Brest-Litovsk; 3: Germany, 1918; 4: Years of Civil War, 1919-1920; 5: The Kapp-Lüttwîtz Putsch; 6: The Road to the New Economic Policy; 7: The United Communist Party; 2: National Bolshevism; 8: The Reparations Crisis; 9: Karl Radele; 10: Communist Convention at Leipzig; 11: Struggle for Succession in the Russian Party; 12: Occupation of the Ruhr; 13: The Schlageter Policy; 3: The Communist Uprising of 1923; 14: The Cuno Strike; 15: Preparation for the Uprising; 16: Dresden, Hamburg, Munich •; 17: Effects of the German Defeat on the Russian Party; 4: The Period of Transformation; 18: Left Communism and the Dawes Plan; 19: The Hindenburg Election; 20: Stalin’s Intervention in German Communist Affairs • •; 21: Russia’s Foreign Policy versus the Comintern; 22: • Socialism in One Country; 5: The State Party is Installed; 23: Stabilization of the German Party; 24: • The Reichswehr and the Red Army; 25: Trotsky and Zinoviev Form a Bloc; 26: The Defeat of the Bloc; 27: Agit-Prop: Agitation and Propaganda; 6: Summary and Conclusion; 28: Summary and Conclusion


    Ruth Fischer