1st Edition

Standard of Care and Hazmat Planning

By Robert Burke Copyright 2020
    368 Pages 147 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    Written by a hazardous materials consultant with over 40 years of experience in emergency services, the five-volume Hazmatology: The Science of Hazardous Materials suggests a new approach dealing with the most common aspects of hazardous materials, containers, and the affected environment. It focuses on innovations in decontamination, monitoring instruments, and personal protective equipment in a scientific way, utilizing common sense, and takes a risk-benefit approach to hazardous material response. This set provides the reader with a hazardous materials "Tool Box" and a guide for learning which tools to use under what circumstances.

    Emergency responders are bound to a Standard of Care for response to hazardous materials incidents, based on federal law, regulations, and consensus standards. Volume Two, Standard of Care and Hazmat Planning, presents the hazardous materials legal issues and background on the Hazmat Standard of Care, including incidents where Care was violated and the repercussions felt.


    • Uses a scientific approach utilizing analysis of previous incidents
    • Suggests guidance in developing plans for hazmat response
    • Provides an exploration of laws, regulations, and standards
    • Outlines the elements of Standard of Care response
    • Includes case studies and in-depth history of Standard of Care response

    1. Regulations. 2. Census Standards. 3. Experience.


    Mr. Robert A. Burke is an Author, Instructor, Contributing Editor Firehouse Magazine, and Columnist Firehouse.Com, National Fire Academy Adjunct Faculty. He is a retired Fire Marshal from the University of Maryland, and Community College of Baltimore County Adjunct Faculty Retired, member NFPA 45 Technical Committee for Laboratories Using Chemicals Retired. Mr. Burke has in excess of 30 years of experience at all levels of the fire and emergency services, including fire service training at the local, state, and national levels. He has command experience as chief officer and company officer with both career and volunteer departments and operational experience in both urban and rural environments. His experience also includes Hazmat, Firefighting, Fire Prevention, Fire Investigation, Public Education, Course Development, and Rescue.