1st Edition

Stories of Gay and Lesbian Immigration Together Forever?

By James T Sears Copyright 2002
    192 Pages
    by Routledge

    192 Pages
    by Routledge

    Share the personal stories of gay and lesbian couples who immigrated to Australia!

    This fascinating book examines the Australian government’s innovative immigration program for same-sex couples. Covering the time from the early 1980s to 2000, Stories of Gay and Lesbian Immigration: Together Forever? offers a powerful glimpse into the gains and costs of immigration. Its twenty-year span offers insight into both immediate and long-term implications of this policy.

    Stories of Gay and Lesbian Immigration intertwines the personal stories of gay and lesbian immigrants, including the author, with thoughtful, detailed political analysis. This groundbreaking book analyzes the Australian government’s reasons for recognizing the validity of same-sex couples. It also scrutinizes the emotional and social implications of government policies for these couples.

    Stories of Gay and Lesbian Immigration explores the issues immigrant same-sex couples faced, including:

    • HIV/AIDS
    • proving homosexuality
    • migration stress
    • dealing with bureaucracy
    • financial dependency
    • success and failure in relationships

      Stories of Gay and Lesbian Immigration will be of interest to political scientists, historians of gay and lesbian culture, policymakers seeking to change immigration laws, and anyone interested in this aspect of gay and lesbian relationships.

    • Foreword
    • Preface
    • Introduction
    • Chapter 1. The Queer Development of Gay and Lesbian Immigration
    • The Beginnings of Gay and Lesbian Couple Recognition
    • Homosexuality and the Settlement of Australia
    • The Development of an Arrangement Between the Task Force and the Government
    • The Effects on the Couples
    • An Arrangement Is Made Between the Minister and the Task Force
    • Progress Since the Arrangement
    • Chapter 2. Finding Out About Couples
    • Anxieties
    • Convincing the Government We Were Genuine Homosexual Couples
    • The Original Study Group in 1988
    • Personal Costs
    • What Has Changed Since the 1980s
    • Chapter 3. Success and Failure in Relationships—Who’s Counting?
    • Applications to Change Status to Permanent Resident, 1988/1989
    • HIV/AIDS
    • Conclusions I Made in 1990
    • Problems in the Categorization of Success and Failure
    • A Missing Element in the Research Story
    • Chapter 4. Europe, North America, Thailand, and Back
    • Chapter 5. Some Partners in 2000
    • Chapter 6. Gay and Lesbian Relationships, and Immigration
    • The Political Moment
    • Sexual Values
    • Other Stories Now Can Be Told
    • Findings in 2000
    • Outcomes
    • The Stories So Far
    • Immigration and Relationships
    • Responsibilities We Can Assume As Nonheterosexuals
    • Research Methods
    • References


    John Hart