2nd Edition

Story Structure and Development A Guide for Animators, VFX Artists, Game Designers, and XR Creators

By Craig Caldwell Copyright 2025
    280 Pages 187 Color & 19 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    280 Pages 187 Color & 19 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    Professor Craig Caldwell’s Story Structure and Development: A Guide for Animators, VFX Artists, Game Designers, and XR Creators offers a clear approach to the essentials of story. It lays out the fundamental elements, principles, and structure for animators, designers, and artists so they can incorporate these concepts in their work. As a practical guide it includes extensive insights and advice from industry professionals. Readers will learn the universal patterns of story and narrative used in today’s movies, animation, games, and VR.


    Thoroughly revised and updated, the Second Edition features new film and animation examples. With over 200 colorful images, this book has been designed for visual learners, and is organized to provide access to story concepts for the screen media professional and student. Readers will discover the story fundamentals referred to by every director and producer when they say, "It’s all about story".


    Key Features:

    • Consolidates into one text universal story structure used across the digital media industry Includes enormous visuals that illustrate and reinforce concepts for visual learners
    • Organizes content for faculty to use sections in a non-linear manner
    • Includes chapter objectives, review questions, and key terms to guide the reader

    Part 1 – Story Structure (Plot)


    Chapter 1 Plot – the structure

    What is a Dramatic Story?

    Plot… what is it?

    3 Act Structure

    Multiple Acts

    Plot Shapes

    Plot Structures – The Short

    Structural Comparisons

    What do all plots have in common?



    Chapter 2 Setup Act I (beginning)

    Types of Setup

    The Opening Image

    Exposition (what does the audience need to know?)

    Show Don’t Tell Rule

    Inciting Incident (starting the story)

    What’s at Stake (why an audience cares)

    Story Questions (keeps the audiences watching)

    End of Act I – New Story World



    Chapter 3 Conflict Act II (the middle)

    What happens in the Middle?

    Increasing Conflict

    Types of Conflict

    Turning Points/Reversals

    Cause and Effect (connected events)

    End of Act II – Crisis



    Chapter 4 Resolution Act III (end)

    Endings – for the Viewer






    Chapter 5 Plot Driven Stories

    Story Genres

    Story Types

    Only a few basic Plots



    Part 2 – Story Principles


    Chapter 6 Story Components

    Is Conflict necessary?

    Premise – What is the Story about?

    Theme – What does it mean?

    Emotion – Purpose of dramatic story

    The Setting (situation)



    Chapter 7 Story Techniques

    Narrative Questions




    Foreshadowing – Creating anticipation



    Chapter 8 Interactive Narratives

    Why Story in Games/XR?

    Story versus Narrative

    World Storytelling – Narrative as Story World

    Immersive Story(telling)?

    AI & Human Storytelling?



    Part 3 – Bringing Characters to Life


    Chapter 9 Character 

    Character - Why do we watch?

    Archetypes vs. Stereotypes

    Create Finding your Characters

    Backstory vs. Character Profile


    Love your Characters




    Chapter 10 Character Motivations

    What does a character want?

    Need - What a character really, really wants 

    Conflict reveals character

    Character Flaws (Fatal)

    Setting as Character



    Chapter 11 Character Driven Stories

    Character Stories

    Fear - the Inner Journey

    Choices – it is why we watch

    Types of Change

    Character Arc

    Unity of opposites



    Part 4 – Storytelling (the development)


    Chapter 12 Generating Ideas

    Brainstorming Ideas

    Three Types of Research

    Asking… What If? 

    Clichés – good or bad?

    Point of View – Whose story is it?



    Chapter 13 Development

    The Development process

    Borrow, Adapt, Steal

    Problems are at the beginning

    Know your Ending

    Dialogue – its functions

    Making the story… Short



    Chapter 14 Viewer (Audience/Player)

    Meeting Viewer’s Expectations

    Who know What? When?

    Gaps – the unexpected


    Are Coincidences OK?




    Chapter 15 Subverting the Story Formula

    Disrupting Story Expectations

    Breaking Genre Tropes & Plots

    Hybrid Genres

    Eastern vs. Western Storytelling



    Craig Caldwell is USTAR (Utah Science Technology and Research) professor in digital media, University of Utah. Having worked for Walt Disney Feature Animation and Electronic Arts games he has extensive experience in the industry approach to creating animation and games. Caldwell has been a co-founder and arts director for one of the top-ranked interactive games programs, Entertainment Arts and Engineering (EAE – University of Utah) with its numerous award win­ning games. He has served as head of the largest film school in Australia—Griffith Film School, Griffith University as well as chair of the Media Arts Department and associate director of the New Media Center at University of Arizona; as well as having been selected as a DeTao Master, Institute of Animation and Creative Content on the SIVA campus, Shanghai, China. Caldwell speaks frequently on story at major conferences such as SIGGRAPH, FMX, Sundance, CCG Expo, and Mundos Digitales. He earned his PhD from the Advanced Computing Center for Art and Design, Ohio State University.