1st Edition

Studies in Contemporary Metaphysics

By Michael Denning Copyright 1920
    328 Pages
    by Routledge

    328 Pages
    by Routledge

    Originally published in 1920, this title wrestles with the critical conflict in modern philosophy of whether philosophers should employ pure reason in a world of abstracts or, rather, should rely upon experience and rationality to examine the actual world. Hoernlé argues for the latter and emphasises the importance of metaphysics in the intellectual quest for knowing reality. This title is ideal for students of philosophy and provides insightful background into the diverging philosophical views of the early 20th century.

    Preface;  1. Prologue: The Philosopher’s Quest  2. The Idol of Scientific Method in Philosophy  3. Philosophy of Nature at the Cross-Roads  4. On "Doubting the Reality of the World of Sense"  5. "Saving the Appearances" in the Physical World  6. Mechanism and Vitalism: A Study in the Order of Nature  7. Mechanism and Vitalism: Further Problems 8. Theories of Mind  9. The Self in self-Consciousness  10. Epilogue: Religion and Philosophy of Religion


    R.F. Alfred Wiliams