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Studies in Economics and Political Science

About the Series

This 13-volume collection originally published between 1929 and 1982 contains a selection of titles from the fields of economics and political science. Many individual titles focus on Britain and include topics such as democracy; environmental planning; foreign policy; legislation; microeconomics; national income; and the welfare state. The earliest title looks at the nature of nationality, and two further titles look at politics in France. This set will be an insight for those interested in the history of either field.

14 Series Titles

Per Page

Britain's Developing Constitution

Britain's Developing Constitution

1st Edition

By P. A. Bromhead
November 05, 2023

The 1970s era of rapid change, economic and social, made constant demands on the adaptability of a constitutional system. The work of the State expanded, and the expansion was at several levels, delimited by the requirements of geography. Britain’s constitutional system has two aspects: one ...

Environmental Planning A Political and Philosophical Analysis

Environmental Planning: A Political and Philosophical Analysis

1st Edition

By Lincoln Allison
November 05, 2023

Originally published in 1975, this was an entirely new approach to the study of environmental planning and problems. Planning had hitherto been generally described as a technical exercise, involving the solving of biological and economic problems. In Environmental Planning: A Political and ...

International Institutions in Trade and Finance

International Institutions in Trade and Finance

1st Edition

By A. I. MacBean, P Snowden
November 05, 2023

Originally published in 1981, this book provided an up-to-date and critical review of the recent history and current status of the main economic institutions affecting international trade and relations at the time. The authors emphasise the economic effectiveness or otherwise of such bodies as GATT...

Nationality Its Nature and Problems

Nationality: Its Nature and Problems

1st Edition

By Bernard Joseph
November 05, 2023

Originally published in 1929, the author begins the discussion of nationality by a survey of its main factors – race, language, religion, the homeland, tradition, literature and the will to live together. With the discovery that racial purity is a myth, race in its biological sense loses much of ...

Opinions, Publics and Pressure Groups An Essay on 'Vox Populi' and Representative Government

Opinions, Publics and Pressure Groups: An Essay on 'Vox Populi' and Representative Government

1st Edition

By Graeme C. Moodie, Gerald Studdert-Kennedy
November 05, 2023

In the late 1960s representative democracy was under fire from various directions even in countries, like Britain and America, where it had appeared to be most secure and successful. Must democracy be a sham, either because of the power of pressure groups and other established decision-makers, or ...

Supply in a Market Economy

Supply in a Market Economy

1st Edition

By Richard Jones
November 05, 2023

Originally published in 1976, Supply in a Market Economy was a new kind of introductory micro-economics text which both assesses the usefulness of traditional theory in tackling social and economic problems and compares and contrasts the alternative approaches to the practical problems inherent in ...

The Distribution of the Product

The Distribution of the Product

1st Edition

By John Craven
November 05, 2023

Originally published in 1979, the purpose of this book is to introduce a theory of the distribution of national income between wages, profits and other categories of income. The relation between this branch of distribution theory and other areas of economics is explained in the Introduction. The ...

The French Parliament (1958–1967)

The French Parliament (1958–1967)

1st Edition

By Philip M. Williams
November 05, 2023

Originally published in 1968, this book set out to give a brief but complete account of the French Parliament as it had worked in practice since the advent of President de Gaulle. A number of different aspects are discussed, from the social background of the members to the debates on five sample ...

The Gaullist Phenomenon The Gaullist Movement in the Fifth Republic

The Gaullist Phenomenon: The Gaullist Movement in the Fifth Republic

1st Edition

By Jean Charlot
November 05, 2023

Books on gaullism – or, more precisely, books on General de Gaulle – are not uncommon. Originally published in English in 1971, this claimed to be the first book of this sort on gaullism as a political force within the French political system. Since the publication of his work on the Union pour la...

The Growth of the British Economy 1918–1968

The Growth of the British Economy 1918–1968

1st Edition

By G. A. Phillips, R. T. Maddock
November 05, 2023

Originally published in 1973, the aim of this work was to discuss the various factors governing the rate of growth of the British economy since the First World War. It endeavours to explain – or at least to provide the groundwork for an explanation of – the movements of aggregate production and ...

The Legislative Process in Great Britain

The Legislative Process in Great Britain

1st Edition

By S. A. Walkland
November 05, 2023

Originally published in 1968, this book deals with the process of public legislation in modern Britain at the time, not in terms of constitutional formulae, but by a realistic appraisal of the relationships between the political institutions and forces which gave the process its shape. It ...

The Making of British Foreign Policy

The Making of British Foreign Policy

1st Edition

By David Vital
November 05, 2023

How is foreign policy made? Who makes it? To what conscious and unconscious influences are policy-makers subject? What is distinctive about the immensely complex process as it unfolds in Britain? And what, therefore, is distinctive and characteristic about Britain’s foreign policy today? Who in ...

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