1st Edition

Substitute Teaching? Everything You Need to Get the Students on Your Side and Teach Them Too

By Amanda Yuill Copyright 2016
    160 Pages
    by Pembroke Publishers

    This easy-to-read, humorous survival guide for substitute teachers presents strategies to get students on your side and make classroom management easier for the whole day. Experienced and new teachers will discover quick, relationship-building activities that make the difference between a day of dodging spitballs and a day where students give you homemade bracelets.

    This time-saving resource includes specific lessons for all grades and subject areas. Ideal for a teacher getting started, an experienced teacher filling in, or a full-time classroom teacher looking for new ways to connect with students, this timely book offers what you need to survive and succeed.


    Amanda Yuill

    Called in at very short notice to primary/junior classrooms, substi­tute teachers are often at a loss for how and where to begin teaching a classroom of sometimes unruly and certainly unknown students. In this enthusiastic combination tool kit/ instruction manual, Yuill explores how substitute teachers can re-engage their original passion for making a difference in students’ lives and actually teach.
    To help set the stage, this highly readable guide for new or experienced teachers begins with relationship-building activ­ities. It moves on to ready-to-use ideas for lessons (with companion reproducibles), along with a collection of strategies for managing your attitude and expectations, and dealing with typical problems. Solid classroom management techniques are examined as are practical curriculum plans. A unique component of the book is a brief description of typical student development, which takes a quick look at physical, social, emotional and academic characteristics at every primary grade level. Organized by grade, it is a helpful snapshot for teachers who are parachuted into teaching students with whom they have little or no experience and few reference points.
    Yuill outlines proactive job-finding techniques for the substitute teacher seeking a full-time position, the ca­reer-substitute teacher looking for the next assignment, or the retired teacher who may be seeking a different perspec­tive on the classroom experience.
    Nadira Baksh, OCT, has recently complet­ed a combined honours specialist in English and history and is a classroom volunteer with the Peel District School Board.

    Professionally Speaking (the official magazine of the Ontario College of Teachers)

    June 2017