Survival, the IISS’s bimonthly journal, challenges conventional wisdom and brings fresh, often controversial, perspectives on strategic issues of the moment.

    In this issue

    • Hannah Aries, Bastian Giegerich and Tim Lawrenson assess that Europe’s defence industry will struggle to meet increased production needs
    • In 2007, the late Ronald Steel judged that while the Iraq War had weakened the United States, it would not profoundly affect US foreign policy (from the archive)
    • Dana H. Allin reflects on Ronald Steel’s legacy and prospects for the ‘extended American Century’
    • Liana Fix argues that the West should formulate security guarantees for Ukraine in parallel with its counter-offensive
    • Daniel Sobelman assesses that the Yemen-based Houthi rebel movement is emulating Hizbullah

    And seven more thought-provoking pieces, as well as our regular Book Reviews and Noteworthy column.

    Editor: Dr Dana Allin

    Managing Editor: Jonathan Stevenson

    Associate Editor: Carolyn West

    Editorial Assistant: Charlie Zawadzki

    Survival 65.3 (June–July 2023), pp. 1–198

    The Guns of Europe: Defence-industrial Challenges in a Time of War, by Hannah Aries, Bastian Giegerich and Tim Lawrenson

    The Black Sea in the Shadow of War, by Nick Childs

    Paper Tiger: The Enemy Image of America, by Barak Mendelsohn and Dominic Tierney

    The Future Is Now: Security Guarantees for Ukraine, by Liana Fix

    The Zeitenwende at Work: Germany’s National Security Strategy, by Karl-Heinz Kamp

    The Philippines’ Surprising Veer West, by James Crabtree and Evan A. Laksmana


    Ukraine’s IT Army, by Stefan Soesanto

    Telegram, ‘Milbloggers’ and the Russian State, by Sam Farbman

    Houthis in the Footsteps of Hizbullah, by Daniel Sobelman

    The Choice for Sanctions, by Erik Jones

    Book Reviews

    Politics and International Relations, by Chester A. Crocker

    Culture and Society, by Jeffrey Mazo

    Europe, by Erik Jones

    Latin America, by Russell Crandall and Britta Crandall

    An Iraq Syndrome?, by Ronald Steel

    Ronald Steel and the American Century, by Dana H. Allin


    The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), a registered charity with offices in Washington, London, Manama, Singapore and Berlin, is the world’s leading authority on political–military conflict. It is the primary independent source of accurate, objective information on international strategic issues. Publications include The Military Balance, an annual reference work on each nation’s defence capabilities; Strategic Survey, an annual review of world affairs; Survival, a bimonthly journal on international affairs; Strategic Comments, an online analysis of topical issues in international affairs; and the Adelphi series of books on issues of international security.

    ‘In a world of complex security challenges the need for serious, thoughtful analysis is greater than ever. Survival’s combination of elegant writing and rigorous scholarship from the world’s top experts makes it essential reading for both practitioners and academics.’

    Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman, War Studies King's College London