1st Edition

Sustaining Your Well-being in Higher Education Values-based Self-Care for Work & Life

By Jorden Cummings Copyright 2025
    144 Pages 11 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    144 Pages 11 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This book provides an evidence-based approach to sustainable self-care, anchoring these strategies in individual academic workers’ core personal values. It teaches readers how to use their values to leverage self-care strategies into a workable, individualized, and effective map to wellness.

    Working in the demanding environment of higher education can leave little time for self-care, yet making space for wellness and self-care is  essential to creating a creative and innovative environment for academic work. This book shows how to create and successfully implement realistic self-care plans. By identifying core values and using these to develop individualized self-care plans, Sustaining Your Well-being in Higher Education pushes back against a one-size-fits-all approach while also discussing the role of self-care in academic labor activism and providing strategies for readers to become advocates for better self-care practices within their zones of influence.

    Designed to provide academic workers with the skills they need to develop workable and sustainable self-care plans, this book is an invaluable resource for students and professionals working in all areas of higher education.

    1. What are Values and Why Should They Guide Us?  2. Identifying Your Core Values  3. Using Values to Guide Your Self Care  4. Using Values to Guide Your Work and Productivity  5. The Dark Side os Values at Work  6. Changing Organizational Self-Care Culture


    Jorden A. Cummings, Ph.D., is Professor and Clinical Psychologist who researches and disseminates effective self-care practices. Dr. Cummings lives, works, parents, and plays on Treaty 6 territory in Saskatchewan, Canada.