156 Pages 12 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    156 Pages 12 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Considered one of the first and most important ‘management gurus’, the name Belbin is synonymous with Team Role theory, a familiar concept for managers and management trainers across the world. This fully updated third edition of Team Roles at Work provides the practical application of the theory in everyday work situations.

    This new edition has up-to-date practical examples and summaries to reflect contemporary scenarios, and a brand-new chapter on remote team working, an issue that has gained even greater significance in recent times. The book also includes a Foreword to capture the impact of Meredith’s work in the field of management and team working. Further information accompanies the book on the Belbin website, www.belbin.com, including a summary of the nine Team Roles with their icons, descriptions, strengths, and allowable weaknesses.

    Team Roles at Work is the best-selling, second book written by Meredith Belbin, designed for any manager who wants to understand the practical application of Team Role theory.

    1. How roles at work emerged, 2. The qualifications mystery, 3. Emergence of a Team Role language, 4. Eligibility versus suitability, 5. Coherent and incoherent role profiles, 6. Interpersonal chemistry in the workplace, 7. Managing difficult working relationships, 8. A strategy for self-management, 9. The art of building a team, 10. The management of succession, 11. Leadership for the modern world, 12. Real teams in a virtual world


    R. Meredith Belbin, MA, PhD, CCIPD, FRSA, attended Clare College, Cambridge, UK, was formerly Chairman of the Industrial Training Research Unit, and is a founding partner of Belbin Associates. In a consulting capacity, Dr Belbin has advised the OECD, the US Department of Labor, the EEC, and myriad manufacturing companies and public service organisations.

    Victoria Brown, MA Cantab, MPhil, is a writer and Head of Research and Development at Belbin. She works closely with Dr Belbin, applying and researching his latest insights into teams, organisations, and the Belbin Team Role methodology through product development, papers, and thought leadership content.