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Textbooks in Mathematics

143 Series Titles

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Wavelet Transforms Kith and Kin

Wavelet Transforms: Kith and Kin

1st Edition

By Firdous A. Shah, Azhar Y. Tantary
November 28, 2022

Wavelet Transforms: Kith and Kin serves as an introduction to contemporary aspects of time-frequency analysis encompassing the theories of Fourier transforms, wavelet transforms and their respective offshoots. This book is the first of its kind totally devoted to the treatment of continuous ...

Applied Differential Equations The Primary Course

Applied Differential Equations: The Primary Course

2nd Edition

By Vladimir A. Dobrushkin
September 21, 2022

This book started as a collection of lecture notes for a course in differential equations taught by the Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown University. To some extent, it is a result of collective insights given by almost every instructor who taught such a course over the last 15 years. ...

Mathematical Modeling the Life Sciences Numerical Recipes in Python and MATLAB®

Mathematical Modeling the Life Sciences: Numerical Recipes in Python and MATLAB®

1st Edition

By N. G. Cogan
September 09, 2022

The purpose of this unique textbook is to bridge the gap between the need for numerical solutions to modeling techniques through computer simulations to develop skill in employing sensitivity analysis to biological and life sciences applications. The underpinning mathematics is minimalized. The ...

Differential Equations Theory, Technique, and Practice

Differential Equations: Theory, Technique, and Practice

3rd Edition

By Steven G. Krantz
May 30, 2022

Differential equations is one of the oldest subjects in modern mathematics. It was not long after Newton and Leibniz invented the calculus that Bernoulli and Euler and others began to consider the heat equation and the wave equation of mathematical physics. Newton himself solved differential ...

Philosophy of Mathematics Classic and Contemporary Studies

Philosophy of Mathematics: Classic and Contemporary Studies

1st Edition

By Ahmet Cevik
November 10, 2021

The philosophy of mathematics is an exciting subject. Philosophy of Mathematics: Classic and Contemporary Studies explores the foundations of mathematical thought. The aim of this book is to encourage young mathematicians to think about the philosophical issues behind fundamental concepts and about...

Mathematical Modeling in the Age of the Pandemic

Mathematical Modeling in the Age of the Pandemic

1st Edition

By William P. Fox
September 13, 2021

 One cannot watch or read about the news these days without hearing about the models for COVID-19 or the testing that must occur to approve vaccines or treatments for the disease. The purpose of Mathematical Modeling in the Age of a Pandemic is to shed some light on the meaning and ...

Elementary Number Theory

Elementary Number Theory

1st Edition

By Gove Effinger, Gary L. Mullen
September 09, 2021

Elementary Number Theory, Gove Effinger, Gary L. Mullen This text is intended to be used as an undergraduate introduction to the theory of numbers. The authors have been immersed in this area of mathematics for many years and hope that this text will inspire students (and instructors) to ...

Algebraic Number Theory A Brief Introduction

Algebraic Number Theory: A Brief Introduction

1st Edition

By J.S. Chahal
July 22, 2021

This book offers the basics of algebraic number theory for students and others who need an introduction and do not have the time to wade through the voluminous textbooks available. It is suitable for an independent study or as a textbook for a first course on the topic. The author presents the ...

Differential Equations A Maple™ Supplement

Differential Equations: A Maple™ Supplement

2nd Edition

By Robert P. Gilbert, George C. Hsiao, Robert J. Ronkese
June 29, 2021

This book illustrates how MAPLE™ can be used to supplement a standard, elementary text in ordinary and partial differential equation. The authors are firm believers in the teaching of mathematics as an experimental science where the student does numerous calculations and then synthesizes these ...

Student Solutions Manual for Gallian's Contemporary Abstract Algebra

Student Solutions Manual for Gallian's Contemporary Abstract Algebra

10th Edition

By Joseph A. Gallian
June 21, 2021

Whereas many partial solutions and sketches for the odd-numbered exercises appear in the book, the Student Solutions Manual, written by the author, has comprehensive solutions for all odd-numbered exercises and large number of even-numbered exercises. This Manual also offers many alternative ...

The Geometry of Special Relativity

The Geometry of Special Relativity

2nd Edition

By Tevian Dray
June 10, 2021

This unique book presents a particularly beautiful way of looking at special relativity. The author encourages students to see beyond the formulas to the deeper structure.The unification of space and time introduced by Einstein’s special theory of relativity is one of the cornerstones of the modern...

Graph Theory An Introduction to Proofs, Algorithms, and Applications

Graph Theory: An Introduction to Proofs, Algorithms, and Applications

1st Edition

By Karin R Saoub
March 17, 2021

Graph Theory: An Introduction to Proofs, Algorithms, and Applications Graph theory is the study of interactions, conflicts, and connections. The relationship between collections of discrete objects can inform us about the overall network in which they reside, and graph theory can provide an avenue...

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