1st Edition

The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer AVHRR

By Arthur P. Cracknell Copyright 1997
    556 Pages
    by CRC Press

    Since the launch of the first of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers (AVHRRs) in 1978, the data from these instruments has used for a wide range of non-meteorological applications. In this book, the author describes satellite system, AVHRRs, control of the spacecraft, and data- recovery arrangements. The book covers processing of the data to extract useful environmental information. The applications of the data to marine problems, based primarily on the study of sea-surface temperatures from the thermal-infrared channels of the instrument, are considered, as well as the study of vegetation and a whole variety of other land-based and hydrological applications.

    The spacecraft and instruments
    Meterological satellites
    The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
    The ARGOS data collection and platform location system
    The TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) system
    The future of the AVHRR
    The data
    Data structure and format
    Calibration of the AVHRR data
    NOAA's archival and data distribution
    Direct readout stations
    Pre- processing
    Georeferencing/geolocation/geometrical rectification
    Cloud detection techniques
    Atmospheric corrections
    Earth surface temperatures
    Satellite oceanography
    Sea surface temperatures
    Ocean circulation
    Land surface temperatures
    Vegetation indices
    Calculating the NDVI
    Classification and phenology
    Evapotransipation, fire risk and semi-arid areas
    Directional effects
    Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and microwave polarization difference temperature (MPDT)
    The study of sub-IFOV size objects
    Channel 3, the neglected channel
    Small intense sources of heat

    Snow and ice
    Water body boundary mapping; bathymetry
    Water quality mapping
    Atmospheric aerosols
    Precipitation and water resources
    Geological studies
    Sunglint and near-surface windspeeds


    Arthur Cracknell graduated in physics from Cambridge University in 1961 and then did his DPhil at Oxford University on "Some band structure calculations for metals". He worked as a lecturer in physics at Singapore University (now the National University of Singapore) from 1964-1967 and at Essex University from 1967-1970, before moving to Dundee University in 1970, where he became a professor in 1978. He retired from Dundee University in 2002 and now holds the title of emeritus professor there. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Scotland) and a Fellow of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (UK). He is currently working on various short-term contracts in several universities and research institutes in China and Malaysia.

    After several years of research work on the study of group-theoretical techniques in solid state physics, in the late 1970s Dr. Cracknell turned his research interests, to remote sensing and has been the editor of the International Journal of Remote Sensing since the 1980s. His particular research interests include the extraction of the values of various geophysical parameters from satellite data and the correction of remotely-sensed images for atmospheric effects. He and his colleagues and research students have published more than 250 research papers and he is the author or co-author of several books, both on theoretical solid state physics and on remote sensing. He also pioneered the MSc course in remote sensing at Dundee University, which has now been running since the 1980s. His latest books include The Advanced very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) (Taylor and Francis, 1997), Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite: A new operational cloud imager written with Keith Hutchison (CRC Taylor and Francis, 2006) and a second edition of Introduction to Remote Sensing written with Ladson Hayes (CRC Taylor and Francis, 200