1st Edition

The American Postal Network, 1792–1914 Vol 1

By Richard R John Copyright 2012
    478 Pages
    by Routledge

    By covering both administrative and non-administrative aspects of the postal network, this four-volume reset edition shows how this system was part of a larger network which included different modes of transport and communication (steamboats, railroads, telegraphs) as well as political parties (the Democrats, Whigs and Republicans).

    VOLUME 1 General Introduction, Administration Introduction: Administration, Select Bibliography, Provenance of Pamphlets Printed in this Set Timothy Pickering, Instructions to the Deputy Postmasters (1792) John M’Lean, Post-Office Law, Instructions and Forms (1825) Francis O. J. Smith, A Letter Relating to the Administration and Present Condition of the Post Office Department (1835) Arthur W. Austin, A Memorandum Concerning the Charlestown Post-Office (1835) Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates on the Subject of the Location of the Post Office [In New York City] (1836) ‘Cincinnatus’, Freedom’s Defence: Or a Candid Examination of Mr. Calhoun’s Report on the Freedom of the Press (1836) Lysander Spooner, Unconstitutionality of the Laws of Congress, Prohibiting Private Mails (1844) Seven Years in the Boston Post Office, By an Ex-Clerk [1854] Nahum Capen, Correspondence Respecting Postal Improvements, and the Removal of the Boston Post Office (1858) J. D. Westcott, Exposition of Facts and Law in the Case of G. G. Westcott, Esq., Postmaster at Philadelphia (1859) San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, Report … on the Condition of Our Postal Affairs (1864) Oliver Wood, Eleven Months as Special Agent in the Post office Department (1868) The Legality of Wells Fargo’s Letter-Carrying Business Post Office Department, Wells, Fargo & Co’s Letter-Express (1880) Horace F. Page, The Origin, Methods, and Important Public Uses of the Letter Service of Wells, Fargo & Company [1880] Abraham D. Hazen, The Post-Office Before and Since 1880, Under Democratic and Republican Administrations (1880) Thaddeus B. Wakeman, The Unanswered Argument against the Constitutionality of the So-Called Comstock Postal Laws (1880) Richard Henry Dana, The Appointment and Tenure of Postmasters (1895) Charles Emory Smith, Greatest Business Organization in the World: The United States Postal Service (1899) Louis F. Post, Our Despotic Postal Censorship (1906) James M. Beck, Constitutionality of the New Federal Law Regulating Journalism (1912) Explanatory Notes


    Richard R John