1st Edition

The American Postal Network, 1792–1914 Vol 3

By Richard R John Copyright 2012
    422 Pages
    by Routledge

    By covering both administrative and non-administrative aspects of the postal network, this four-volume reset edition shows how this system was part of a larger network which included different modes of transport and communication (steamboats, railroads, telegraphs) as well as political parties (the Democrats, Whigs and Republicans).

    VOLUME 3 Reform, Part I: 1792–1861 Introduction: Reform, Part I: 1792–1861 Jeremiah Evarts (ed.), An Account of Memorials … Praying that the Mails May Not Be Transported, Nor Post-Offices Kept Open, on the Sabbath (1829) Jeremiah Evarts, The Logic and Law of Col. Johnson’s Report to the Senate on Sabbath Mails (1829) ‘The Virginia Society’ for Promoting the Observance of the Christian Sabbath, To the People of the United States [c. 1830] Barnabas Bates, An Address … on the Memorials to Congress to Prevent the Transportation of the Mail, and the Opening of the Post Offices on Sunday (1830) Edmund Charles, Suggestions upon the Nature and Disadvantages of the Present Post Office Tariff (1844) ‘Franklin’, An Examination of the Probable Effect of the Reduction of Postage (1844) Amasa Walker, Cheap Postage, and How to Get It (1845) Cheap Postage Association, Constitution of the Cheap Postage Association (1848) Joshua Leavitt, Cheap Postage: Remarks and Statistics (1848) 1Barnabas Bates, A Brief Statement of the Exertions of the Friends of Cheap Postage (1848) New York Cheap Postage Association, Cheap Postage: A Dialogue on Cheap Postage (1849) Lysander Spooner, Who Caused the Reduction of Postage in 1845? (1849) Cheap Postage New York Cheap Postage Association, An Address of the Directors of the New York Cheap Postage Association, to the People of the United States (1850) Report of the Committee on Literature of the Senate of New York, on Postage Reform, Made to the Senate, Feb. 19, 1850 (1850) Elihu Burritt, Ocean Penny Postage (1854) New York Postal Reform Committee, Proceedings of a Public Meeting (1856) Explanatory Notes


    Richard R John