1st Edition

The American Savings and Loan Industry, 1831–1935 Vol 3

By David L Mason Copyright 2014
    358 Pages
    by Routledge

    The American savings and loan industry began in the 1830s to help people of modest financial means buy a home. Despite the long history of the industry there has been limited scholarly work done on its early years. This collection allows an insight into the place of the savings and loans industry within the wider context of American society.

    Volume 3 The ‘Nationals’, the Rise of the Trade Association and Government Regulation Introduction Promoting the ‘National’ Building and Loans The People’s Building and Loan Association of Bloomington Ill., The People’s (National) Building and Loan Association of Bloomington, Ill. (1894) James P. Fritze, Investment Building and Loan: Reasons Why (1892) The National Building and Loan Association, Plain Answers to Sensible Questions ([c. 1890]) Criticisms of the ‘National’ Building and Loans Ambrose A. Winters, ‘A Review of the Growth, Methods, Failures, and Manners of the So-Called National Building and Loan Associations’ (1893) E. H. Phelps, ‘The Dangers which the So-Called National Building and Loan Associations Threaten to the Future of the Local Building and Loan Association Movement’ (1894) J. H. Westover, ‘The Difference between National and Local Building Associations’ (1897) Thomas J. Fitzmorris, ‘Some Fruits of National Methods’ (1897) Bird M. Robinson, A Paper on Building and Loan Associations (1896) The Building and Loan Trade Association Seymour Dexter, ‘President’s Address’ (1893) Herman F. Cellarius, ‘The United States League of Local Building and Loan Associations – Its Work and Relation to State Leagues’ (1897) William Brace, ‘State Interference with the Business of Building Associations; Its Tendencies and Results’ (1900) Horace F. Clark, ‘The Extension of State Regulation to the Building and Loan Association’ (1924) State Building and Loan Laws Seymour Dexter, ‘Laws of New York’, in Dexter, A Treatise on Cooperative Savings and Loans (1894) Daniel Eldredge, ‘Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Relating to Co-operative Banks’, in Eldredge, Massachusetts Cooperative Banks or Building Associations History of Their Growth(1893) Edmund Wrigley, ‘Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’, in Wrigley, How to Manage Building Associations, 3rd edn (1885) [Anon.], ‘Views Pro and Con on the Proposed Federal Home Loan Bank’ (1919) David A. Bridewell, The Federal Home Loan Bank Board and its Agencies (1938) Editorial Notes


    David L Mason