1st Edition

The Ancestral Constitution (Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Volume 25)

By Alexander Fuks Copyright 1953

    Originally published in 1953. The return to the "ancestral constitution" was a major issue in Athenian politics in the period of the revolution of 411 and 404 B.C. This book examines the scope and import of the question of the "ancestral constitution". Chapter 1 is a study of Kleitophon’s Rider nd the tradition of Solon and Kleisthenes. Chapter 2 is a discussion of the concept of patrios politeia as employed by the Democrats. The use made of the "ancestral constitution" in 404-3 B.C is discussed in Chapter 3. The last chapter is a study of the mysterious "Constitution of Drakon".

    1. The Rider of Kleitophon  2. The Democrats and Patrios Politeia   3. Patrios Politea from the Peace-Treaty of 404B.C to the First Phase of the Rule of the Thirty  4. The "Constitution of Drakon"   Appendix: Thrasymachos, Fr. I. Notes.  Conclusion


    Alexander Fuks