1st Edition

The Assessment of Industrial Markets

By Aubrey Wilson Copyright 1968
    422 Pages
    by Routledge

    First Published in 1968, The Assessment of Industrial Markets offers a quite different approach to the subject of industrial marketing research. It concentrates on the techniques of industrial marketing research and devotes a chapter to each major method. More space is also given to the mechanics of research. The author’s purpose has been to set out clearly the salient factors and methodologies. Chapter demographics refer the reader to more detailed or advanced reading on any particular aspect of industrial marketing.

    The book is essentially practical and contains an important innovation. Where appropriate, checklists have been developed for the processes and actions required in a number of industrial marketing activities. Also, the checklist which appeared in Industrial Marketing Research is included in the present work in a revised and extended form. This is a must read for students of marketing, business management and business economics.

    Introduction 1. Characteristics of Industrial and Consumer Markets 2. Objectives for Profitable Research 3. Parameters of Research 4. Preparing for the Project 5. Use of Secondary Sources 6. Sampling in Industrial Markets 7. The Postal Questionnaire 8. Interviewing 9. Using the Telephone in Industrial Marketing Research 10. Observation Techniques 11. Processing the Data 12. Assessing Advertising Effectiveness 13. Industrial Marketing Research as an Aid to Forecasting 14. The Report 15. Make or Buy in Marketing Research Conclusion Appendix A Appendix B Glossary Bibliography Index


    Aubrey Wilson (at the time of the first publication of this book) was the Managing Director, Industrial Market Research Limited.