1098 Pages 115 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    1098 Pages 115 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    The Biblical World is a comprehensive guide to the contents, historical settings, and social context of the Bible. This new edition is updated with several new chapters as well as a new section on biblical interpretation. 

    Contributions from leading scholars in the field present wide-ranging views not just of biblical materials and their literary and linguistic context, but also of the social institutions, history and archaeology, and religious concepts. New chapters cover topics such as the priesthood and festivals, creation and covenant, ethics, and family life, while a new section on biblical interpretation discusses Jewish and Christian bible translation and key thematic emphases, and modern reader-response and cultural approaches. 

    This revised edition of The Biblical World offers an up-to-date and thorough survey of the Bible and its world, and will continue to be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament and their history and interpretation, as well as anyone working on the societies, religions, and political and cultural institutions that created and influenced these texts.

    Katharine J. Dell

    Part I: The Bible

    1: The Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
    Eryl W. Davies

    2: The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
    Adele Reinhartz

    3: The Dead Sea Scrolls
    George J. Brooke

    4: The New Testament
    Mary Marshall

    5: Early Christian Apocrypha
    Andrew Gregory

    Part II: The canon

    6: Law
    Sandra Jacobs

    7: Historiography
    Anselm C. Hagedorn

    8: Prophecy
    Janet E. Tollington

    9: Wisdom
    Katharine J. Dell

    10: Apocalypticism
    Christopher Rowland

    11: The Jewish and Hellenistic novel
    Laurence M. Wills

    12: The Gospels and Acts
    Kylie Crabbe

    13: Letters in the new Testament and in the Greco-Roman world
    Harry Gamble and Matthew V. Novenson

    Part III: Documents

    14: Cuneiform myths and epics in the Ancient Near East
    Frances Reynolds

    15: The Hebrew and Aramaic languages
    John Huebnergard and Jo Ann Hackett

    16: The Greek language
    Courtney J. P. Friesen

    17: Text and versions: the Old Testament
    Marieke Dhont

    18: Text and versions: the New Testament
    David C. Parker

    19: Hebrew inscriptions
    Graham Davies

    20: The Cairo Genizah
    Benjamin Outhwaite

    21: Greek and Roman inscriptions: Jewish inscriptions
    James K. Aitken

    22: Christian inscriptions in a (post-)biblical world
    Joseph Verheyden

    Part IV: History

    23: Biblical archaeology
    Felicity J. Cobbing

    24: Palestine during the Bronze Age
    Robert S. Homsher and Melissa S. Cradic

    25: Palestine during the Iron Age
    James E. Harding

    26: Israel’s ancestors: the patriarchs and matriarchs
    J. Cheryl Exum

    27: Israel at the time of the united monarchy: David and Solomon
    Benjamin J. M. Johnson

    28: Exile, migration, and diaspora after the fall of Jerusalem in the sixth century BCE
    Jill Middlemas

    29: Israel under Persia and Greece
    Lester Grabbe

    30: Judaea under Roman rule: 63 BCE–135 CE
    Sarah Pearce

    31: Israel’s neighbours
    Jonathan Stökl

    Part V: Institutions

    32: Religion in Israel: pre-exile and in exile
    C. A. Strine

    33: Warfare
    Thomas M. Bolin

    34: Priesthood and festivals
    Deborah Rooke

    35: The Arts: representational (architecture, artefacts), performative (music, drama), literary (poetry, psalmody)
    Susan Gillingham

    36: Family and everyday life
    Arthur J. Keefer

    37: Judaism at the turn of the era
    Lutz Doering

    38: The first churches: social life
    Justin J. Meggitt

    39: The first churches: religious practices
    Justin J. Meggitt

    40: Creation and covenant
    Philip Johnston

    41: Salvation in Jewish thought
    Norman Solomon

    42: Salvation in Christian thought
    Paul Foster

    43: Ethics
    C. L. Crouch and Tarah L. Van der Wiele

    44: New Testament christology: interpretations of the identity and role of Jesus
    Catrin H. Williams

    45: Interpretations of the identity and role of Paul
    David G. Horrell

    46: Death and afterlife
    John J. Collins

    47: Purity and sacrifice
    Nathan MacDonald

    Part VI: Biblical interpretation past and present

    48: Jewish Bible translations
    Isaac Kalimi

    49: Jewish Biblical interpretation
    Alison Salvesen

    50: Christian Bible translation
    Peter J. Williams

    51: Early Christian biblical interpretation
    Mark Edwards

    52: Modern biblical interpretation
    William R. Telford

    53: Reader-response criticism and recent readers
    Brittany N. Melton and Heath A. Thomas

    54: The Bible in contemporary culture and society
    Hugh Pyper


    Katharine J. Dell is Reader in Old Testament Literature and Theology at the Faculty of Divinity in the University of Cambridge, UK, and Fellow of St Catharine's College. She has written extensively on the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament including The Book of Proverbs in Social and Theological Context (2008), Interpreting Ecclesiastes: Readers Old and New (2013), and The Solomonic Corpus of 'Wisdom' and its Influence (2020); and has also written introductory textbooks including, Who Needs the Old Testament?: Its Enduring Appeal and Why the New Atheists Don't Get It (2017).

    "Every essay is authoritative, well conceived, and up-to-date... advanced students and scholars can confidently consult this insightful resource. Recommended" - CHOICE