1st Edition

The Bronze Age Civilization of Central Asia Recent Soviet Discoveries

Edited By Mark R. Lepper Copyright 1981
    444 Pages
    by Routledge

    444 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Bronze Age Civilization of Central Asia edited by Philip L. Kohl collates translated articles from soviet findings of Bronze Age and Aenolithic remains in Central Asia. Originally published in 1981, these articles include the latest discoveries at the time of publication such as the Murghab Delta sites to build a clearer picture of civilizations and settlements in Bronze Age Southern Central Asia and their history and evolution for new English audiences. This title will be of interest to students of history, archaeology and anthropology.

     Introduction;  Acknowledgments;  List of Abbreviations;  Part One: Southwestern Turkmenistan and the Late Bronze Age;  1. The Early Bronze Cemetary of Parkhai II: The First Two Seasons of Excavations, 1977-78  2. Namazga-depe and the Late Bronze Age of Southern Turkmenia;  Part Two: Excavations at Altyn-depe;  3. Altyn-depe during the Aenolithic Period  4. The Problem of the Origin of the Early Bronze Age Culture of Southern Turkmenia  5. Man at the Dawn of Civilization  6. Urban Centers of Early Class Society  7. Seals of proto-Indian Type from Altyn-depe;  Part Three: Margiana and Settlements in Southeastern Central Asia;  8. Margiana in the Bronze Age  9. The Study of Bronze Age Sites in the Lower Murghab  10. Seal-Amulets of the Murghab Style  11. Southern Uzbekistan in the Second Millennium B.C.  12. Excavations of the Bronze Age Settlements of Southern Tadjikistan;  Part Four: Reproduction of Productive Activities: Techniques and Analysis;  14. The History of Metalworking Production among the Ancient Agriculturalists of Southern Turkmenia  15. Ancient Reaping Tools and their Productivity in the Light of Experimental Tracewear Analysis  16. The History of Irrigation Agriculture in Southern Turkmenia  17. The Ecological Prerequisities for Early Farming in Southern Turkmenia;  Afterword;  About the Editor.


    Philip L. Kohl