1st Edition

The Built Environment through the Prism of the Colonial Periodical Press

    346 Pages 38 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    346 Pages 38 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    The Built Environment through the Prism of the Colonial Periodical Press is a venture of the International Group for Studies of Colonial Periodical Press of the Portuguese Empire (IGSCP-PE), who are also interested in comparative studies and conceptual discussions.

    Through a focus on the understudied role of colonial periodicals in the creation and public discussion of colonial built environments, the present book contributes to a cultural history of the idea of built environment. The studies underscore the role of press in articulating environment imaging and transformations with colonial ideologies, projects and policies, and the fixing, othering and disputing of identities, while still retaining the epochal circulation of ideas. This role is evidenced through discussions of forests, clubs, hotels, barracks, hospitals, houses, verandas and gardens, railways, Catholic churches and Hindu "templescapes", restorations and exhibitions. The book also examines a non-canonical variety of periodicals, such as newspapers, bulletins, women’s magazines, and professional journals. Published within the sphere of Portuguese, Belgium, Italian, British formal and informal Empire, the analysis of these periodicals provides a multilingual, plural and complex comprehension of the discursive creation of modern built environments in colonial ambiances.

    This volume is indispensable for scholars and students interested in Media Studies, Architectural and Engineering studies, Built Environment studies as well as Colonial and Imperial history.

    1. The Forest or the Tree? Colonial Forestry and Environmental Debates in the Goan Periodical Press.

    José Ferreira

    2. Iron Message: Railways in the German Colonial Press.

    Corinna Schäfer

    3. Infrastructure in the Making: The Ottoman Railway Company as Portrayed by the Smyrna Mail.

    Elvan Cobb

    4. Tropical Building: A Typology Defined in British Military Engineering Journals.

    Pedro Guedes

    5. Illustration as propaganda in the nineteenth-century periodical press: British Empire building on the terrace at Shepheard's Hotel, Cairo.

    Anne Shelley

    6. Educating the colonial spouse or pushing the agenda of Tropical Modernism in the Belgian Congo? Architecture and the coloniser's house in the pages of the Bulletin de l'Union des Femmes Coloniales.

    Johan Lagae

    7. Reconstructing Templescapes in Goa: Santeri-Śāntādurgā and Other Female Deities through the Compromissos of the Boletim Official

    Cibele Aldrovandi

    8. Conflicted Identities: Bombay's Catholic communities, its buildings and the Press.

    Alice Santiago Faria and Sidh Losa Mendiratta

    9. Constructing the Empire: Italian Colonial Architecture and the practice of ambientazione.

    Monica Palmeri

    10. 'Old Goa must be brought back to life': The restoration of Old Goa's monuments in the Goan periodical press during the Portuguese colonial period.

    Joaquim Rodrigues dos Santos

    11. Cabo Verde Boletim de Propaganda e Informação (1949-64): from propaganda to the demands for change at the periphery of the Portuguese empire.

    Ana Vaz Milheiro


    Alice Santiago Faria is a researcher at the CHAM, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, where she coordinates the research group Art, History and Heritage. Architect with a Ph.D. in Art History. Member of IGSCP-PE. She is interested in the study of Public Works in the former Portuguese empire during the long nineteenth century.

    Anne Shelley is an artist and researcher with a background in English, Literature and Art Education. Her PhD at the University of Western Australia examined nineteenth-century European women artists who travelled to the Middle East. Her thesis focused on Victorian military artist Elizabeth Butler and her sketches of Egypt.

    Sandra Ataíde Lobo is a Researcher of CHAM, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. PhD in History and Theory of Ideas. Co-promoted the birth of IGSCP-PE. Among other interests, works on press and intellectual histories with particular focus in Goa and Portugal, colonialism and anti-colonialism, literature and politics, internationalism, cosmopolitan historiography.