1st Edition

The Changing Austrian Voter

By Fritz Plasser Copyright 2008
    346 Pages
    by Routledge

    346 Pages
    by Routledge

    Compared to the late 1970s, when the Austrian voting behavior was characterized by extraordinary stability, low electoral volatility, and high turnout rates, the 1980s and 1990s stand for exceptional changes and ruptures elicited primarily by the rise of the right wing populist FPi (Freedom Party of Austria). This volume of collected papers investigates the permanent changes of Austrian voting behavior over the past forty years and analyzes causes and consequences for party competition and the electoral process in Austria during the first decade of the twenty-first century.

    Some of the contributions include Oliver Rathkolb's wide-ranging historical typology which addresses the Austrian voters in the twentieth century from the perspective of expanding voting laws and the struggle for political participation and integration. Based on compact trend data of Austrian Election Studies, Fritz Plasser and Peter A. Ulram present an empirical overview of trends and patterns in Austrian voting behavior covering the period from 1970 to 2006. Both the rising electoral volatility and the permanent increase of constant non-voters since the 1980s are dealt with. The development and dynamics of regional elections in Austria since the mid-1980s are reconstructed and related to the electoral behavior on the federal level.

    Kurt Richard Luther analyzes electoral strategies and the rise and fall of Austrian right wing populism from 1986 to 2006, focusing in particular upon changing styles of electoral mobilization. The media's role in framing the Austrian campaign discourse and the specific characteristics of campaign coverage in Austria are also in focus. This well-conceived volume also contains review essays, book reviews, and the annual review of Austrian politics. A mandatory selection for the bookshelves of all those interested in Austria or European Studies, this book provides invaluable information regarding the electoral process in Austria.

    Oliver Rathkolb, The Austrian Voter in Historical Perspective
    Fritz Plasser and Peter A. Ulram, Electoral Change in Austria
    Christoph Hofinger, Gunther Ogris, and Eva Zeglovits,
    It Ain't Over 'til It's Over: Electoral Volatility in Austria
    from the 1970s through 2006
    Herbert Dachs, Regional Elections in Austria from 1986 to 2006
    Kurt Richard Luther, Electoral Strategies and Performance
    of Austrian Right-Wing Populism, 1986-2006
    Gunther Lengauer, Framing Campaigns: The Media
    and Austrian Elections
    Fritz Plasser and Gilg Seeber, Austrian Electoral Behavior
    in International Comparison

    Austrian Experts Interpret the National Elections
    of October 1, 2006
    Rudolf Bretschneider, Political Discontent, Negative
    Campaigning and an Overrated Monster: A Short
    Comment on the Austrian Parliamentary Elections of 2006
    Peter Gerlich, Europeanization in Disguise
    The Changing Austrian Voter
    Imma Palme, Did the o;VP Lose, or Did the SPo; Win the
    2006 National Parliamentary Election?
    Anton Pelinka, Who Is the Winner?: The Strategic
    Dilemma of "the People's Choice"
    Manfred Prisching, The Conservative Turn to Socialism

    Peter Ruggenthaler, A New Perspective from Moscow
    Archives: Austria and the Stalin Notes of
    Thomas Fischer, The Birth of the N+NA: Austrian
    and Swiss Foreign Policy in the CSCE

    Matthew Paul Berg, Refocusing the Critical Gaze from
    Sixty Years' Distance: Austrians' Experiences of the Nazi
    Past in Recent Historical Studies
    Peter Berger, Gyo;rgy's Machine Gun, Ildikos New Car:
    The Controversial Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Revisited
    Alexander Lassner, New Scholarship on Austria, Germany,
    and Italy in the International Area during the 1930s

    Thomas Nowotny: Michael Gehler, o;sterreichs Aussenpolitik
    der Zweiten Republik – von der alliierten Besatzung
    bis zum Europa des 21. Jahrhunderts
    Gunter Bischof: Fritz Fellner and Doris A. Corradini, eds.,
    o;sterreichische Geschichtswissenschaft im 20. Jahrhundert:
    Ein biographisch-bibliographisches Lexikon

    Reinhold Gartner, Austria 2006



    Cesare Pavese