1st Edition

The Children of England A Contribution to Social History and to Education

By J. N. Findlay Copyright 1923
    4 Pages
    by Routledge

    4 Pages
    by Routledge

    As much a social history as a volume charting the history of education this book examines the major forces influencing education in England during the 19th and early 20th centuries, such as class differences, economic success and poverty, the legacy of the industrial revolution and factors such as migration.

    Preface. 1. The Point of View. 2. Settlement and Surplus. 3. The Craftsman, The Dealer, and the Traveller. 4. The ruling Classes and the Provision of Schooling. 5 Merrie England. 6. The Beginnings of Modern England. 7. Trade and Poverty During Three Centuries. 8. The Industrial Revolution and the System of Schooling. 9. The Child in the Nineteenth Century. 10. The Present Day: Some Notes on Reform. References and Notes. Index.