1st Edition

The Collected Critical Heritage II

    2658 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. These carefully selected sources include:
    * Contemporary reviews from both popular and literary media. In these students can read about how Lady Chatterly's Lover shocked contemporary reviewers or what Ibsen's A Doll's House meant to the early women's movement.
    * Little-known documentary material, such as diaries and correspondence - often between authors and their publishers and critics.
    * Landmark essays in the history of criticism.
    *Significant pieces of criticism from later periods to demonstrate how an author's reputation changed over time.
    The Collected Critical HeritageII is available as a set of 42 volumes and the series is also available in mini sets selected by period (in slipcase boxes), and as individual volumes.

    I have used the Critical Heritage series as a graduate student, in my work as a librarian, and I recommend it to my students in a course I teach on Modern Irish Writers. This series allows researchers to trace criticism from the earliest appearance of a work, and is a very fine resource for anyone interested in literature. It is also an essential series for any college library - Jean Jacques Strayer, Assistant Professor and Reference Librarian, Hunter College Library, New York