1st Edition

The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 12 Contemplation and Action, 1902-14

    Contemplation and Action 1902-14 is the first volume devoted exclusively to Russell's non-technical writings. It follows chronologically Volume 1, Cambridge Essays: 1888-99 which presented his earliest papers.

    Introduction, PART I. "ASHES OF DEAD HOPES" I Journal [1902-05] PART II. "REFUGE IN PURE CONTEMPLATION" 2 The Pilgrimage of Life [1902-03] 3 The Education of the Emotions [c.1902] 4 The Free Man's Worship [1903] 5 On History [1904] 6 The Study of Mathematics [1907] PART III. "OF THE TWO NATURES IN MAN" 7 Prisons [1911] 8 The Essence of Religion [1912] 9 The Perplexities of John Forstice [1912] 10 Mysticism and Logic [1914] PART IV. DEFENCE OF FREE TRADE 11 Literature of the Fiscal Controversy [1904] 12 The Tariff Controversy [1904] 13 Mr. Charles Booth on Fiscal Reform [1904] 14 Old and New Protectionism [1904] 15 International Competition [1904] 16 Mr. Charles Booth's Proposals for Fiscal Reform [1904] 17 Mr. Gerald Balfour on Countervailing Duties [1904] PART V. LIBERALISM AND WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE 8 On the Democratic Ideal [c.1906] 19 The Status of Women [c. 1906] 20 The Wimbledon By-Election [1907] 21 After the Second Reading [1908] 22 Mr. Asquith's Pronouncement [1908] 23 Liberalism and Women's Suffrage [1908] 24 The Present Situation [1909] 25 Should Suffragists Welcome the People's Suffrage Federation? [1909] 26 Address to the Bedford Liberal Association [1910] 27 Anti-Suffragist Anxieties [1910] PART VI. OTHER EDWARDIAN CONTROVERSIES 28 Religion and Metaphysics, review of McTaggart [1906] 29 A History of Free Thought, review of Robertson [1906] 30 Freethought Ancient and Modern, review of Robertson [1906] 31 The Development of Morals, review of Hobhouse [1907] 32 Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic, review of Trevelyan [1907] 33 The Politics of a Biologist, review of Chatterton-Hill [1907] 34 Biology and Politics, review of Chatterton-Hill [1908] 35 Memories and Studies, review of James [1911] 36 Dramatic and Utilitarian Ethics [c.1911] 37 The Professor's Guide to Laughter, review of Bergson [1912] 38 The Place of Science in a Liberal Education [1913] 39 The Ordination Service [1913-14] 40 Clio, A Muse, review of Trevelyan [1913]


    Edited by Andrew Brink, Margaret Moran, Richard A. Rempel

    `The Bertrand Russell Archive has, as before, yielded some interesting unpublished material...this volume lavishly footnoted, elegantly produced and a pleasure to read, is a real treat for anyone interested in Russell or in that strange remote country, Edwardian England' - Alan Ryan, THES