1st Edition

The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 8 The Philosophy of Logical Atomism and Other Essays 1914-19

Edited By John Slater Copyright 1986

    This volume collects together all of Russell's philosophical papers inspired by his work with Whitehead on 'Principia Mathematica'.

    Introduction, PART I. THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE AND PHILOSOPHICAL METHOD, 1 The Relation of Sense-Data to Physics [1914] 2 Mysticism and Logic (1914] 3 Preface to Poincare, Science and Method [1914] 4 On Scientific Method in Philosophy [1914] 5 The Ultimate Constituents of Matter (1915] 6 Letter on Sense-Data [1915] 7 Note on C. D. Broad's Article in the July Mind [1919] PART II. REVIEWS 8 Competitive Logic [1914] 9 Review of Ruge et al., Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences [1913] 10 Mr. Balfour's Natural Theology [1914] 11 Idealism on the Defensive [1917] 12 Metaphysics (1917] 13 A Metaphysical Defence of the Soul [1917] 14 Pure Reason at Konigsberg (1918] 15 Review of Broad, Perception, Physics, and Reality (1918] 16 Professor Dewey's Essays in Experimental Logic [1919] PART III. THE PHILOSOPHY OF LOGICAL ATOMISM 17 The Philosophy of Logical Atomism [1918] PART IV. TOWARDS THE ANALYSIS OF MIND 18 Manuscript Notes [1918] 19 On "Bad Passions" [1919] 20 On Propositions: What They Are and How They Mean [1919]


    John Slater