1st Edition

The Complete Shorter Poetry of George Eliot Vol 2

    344 Pages
    by Routledge

    Presents George Eliot's shorter poetry. This volume includes an introduction, which discusses Eliot's interest in poetry verse and its relation to her prose and prose fiction; her recurring themes and motifs; the poetry's critical reception and its value to modern readers.

    Volume 2: The Legend of Jubal (1878) Poems cont. Brother and Sister, Stradivarius, A College Breakfast-Party, Two Lovers, Self and Life, Sweet evenings come and go, love, The Death of Moses, Arion, O May I Join the Choir Invisible, Further Experiment in Verse, In a London Drawing Room, Arms! To Arms! Ex Oriente Lux, In the South, Will Ladislaw’s Song, Erinna, I grant you ample leave, Mordecai’s Hebrew Verses, ’Mid my gold-brown curls, Appendix A: Epigraphs to Felix Holt, Middlemarch and Daniel Deronda


    Antonie Gerard van den Broek, William Baker