1st Edition

The Countryside Planning and Change

By Mark Blacksell, Andrew Gilg Copyright 1981
    278 Pages
    by Routledge

    The Countryside: Planning and Change (1981) examines the relationship between policies and their actual effects on the countryside, throwing light on the problems inherent in a fragmented approach to policy-making. It looks at the underlying reasons for change in the rural environment first and then the governmental response as reflected in powers assumed and rights granted to guide and direct rural development. The way in which land-use changes have been affected by public policies is then examined in further detail, with particular attention to settlements. Detailed case studies are utilised for this purpose.

    1. Introduction  2. The Administrative Context  3. The Nature and Measurement of Land Use Change  4. Planning and Land Use  5. Settlement Planning  6. Settlement Change  7. Management in the Countryside  8. The Way Ahead: Closer Coordination?


    Mark Blacksell and Andrew Gilg