1st Edition

The Creation and Interpretation of Commercial Law

Edited By Clayton P. Gillette Copyright 2003

    This title was first published in 2003. This volume contains essays by prominent commentators on topics in commercial law. It addresses the increasing harmonization of international commercial law and the essays demonstrate different methodologies used in analysing commercial law, such as economic and jurisprudential approaches.

    Privately Created Commercial "Law": Lisa Bernstein (1996) Merchant Law in a Merchant Court - Rethinking the Code's Search for Immanent Business Norms; Alan Schwartz and Robert E. Scott (1995) The Political Economy of Private Legislatures. Sale of Goods: James J. White (2000) Autistic Contracts; Richard Craswell (1990) Insecurity, Repudiation, and Cure. Negotiable Instruments: Edward Rubin (1991) Efficiency, Equity and the Proposed Revision of Articles 3 and 4; Jane Kaufman Winn (1998) Couriers Without Luggage - Negotiable Instruments and Digital Signatures. Secured Transactions: Hideki Kanda and Saul Levmore (1994) Explaining Creditor Priorities; Ronald J. Mann (1997) Explaining the Pattern of Secured Credit. International Commercial Law: Clayton P. Gillette (1999) Harmony and Stasis in Trade Usages for International Sales; Franco Ferrari (1998) CISG Case Law - A New Challenge for Interpreters?; Steven Walt (1999) Novelty and the Risks of Uniform Sales Law.


    Clayton P. Gillette