1st Edition

The Critical Idiom Reissued

    3786 Pages
    by Routledge

    This set of 37 volumes is a revival of the original Critical Idiom series. First published between 1969 and 1979, the volumes in this series provide concise and accessible introductions to a range of critical terms which are key to the study of literature. This set will be a valuable resource for students working with complex literary terminology.

    1. Tragedy Clifford Leech 2. Romanticism Lillian R. Furst 3. Aetheticism Robert Vincent Johnson 4. The Absurd Arnold Peter Hinchliffe 5. Fancy and Imagination R. L. Brett 6. Satire Arthur Pollard 7. Metre, Rhyme and Free Verse G. S. Fraser 8. Realism Damian Grant 9. The Romance Gillian Beer 10. Drama & the Dramatic Sam William Dawson 11. Plot Elizabeth Dipple 12. Irony and the Ironic Douglas Colin Muecke 13. Allegory John MacQueen 14. Pastoral Peter Vincent Marinelli 15. Symbolism Charles Chadwick 16. The Epic Paul Merchant 17. Naturalism Lillian R. Furst and Peter N. Skrine 18. Rhetoric Peter Dixon 19. Primitivism Michael Bell 20. Comedy William Moelwyn Merchant 21. Burlesque John D. Jump 22. Dada and Surrealism C. W. E. Bigsby 23. The Grotesque Philip Thomson 24. Metaphor Terence Hawkes 25. The Sonnet John Fuller 26. Classicism Dominique Secretan 27. Melodrama James L. Smith 28. Expressionism R. S. Furness 29. The Ode John D. Jump 30. Myth K. K. Ruthven 31. The Picaresque Harry Sieber 32. Biography Alan Shelston 33. Modern Verse Drama Arnold P. Hinchliffe 34. The Short Story Ian Reid 35. The Stanza Ernst Häublein 36. Comedy of Manners David L. Hirst 37. The Ballad Alan Bold


    Multivolume collection by leading authors in the field.