1st Edition

The Early Novels of Benjamin Disraeli

    2608 Pages
    by Routledge

    Benjamin Disraeli (1804-81) was one of the most important political figures in 19th century Britain. However, before rising to political prominence he had established himself as a major literary figure. This set takes a critical look at Disraeli's early work.

    General Introduction, Volume 1 Vivian Grey (1826–7), edited by Michael Sanders; Volume 2 The Young Duke (1831), Miles A. Kimball; Volume 3 Contarini Fleming (1832), edited Charles Richmond; Volume 4 The Wondrous Tale of Alroy (1833), edited by Geoffrey Harvey; Volume 5 Henrietta Temple (1837), edited by Jeraldine R. Kraver & Ann R. Hawkins; Volume 6 Venetia (1837), edited by Ann R. Hawkins & Jeraldine R. Kraver


    General Introduction Daniel R. Schwarz, Volume 1 Michael Sanders; Volume 2 Miles A. Kimball; Volume 3 Contarini Fleming (1832), Charles Richmond; Volume 4 Geoffrey Harvey; Volume 5 Jeraldine R. Kraver & Ann R. Hawkins; Volume 6 Ann R. Hawkins & Jeraldine R. Kraver